Category "data-science"

How to download a file in PyCharm instead of !wget in Colab? [duplicate]

When I try some codes in pandas, the bash code wget is used in colab as the following: import pandas as pd !wget If I want

How to count the same rows between multiple CSV files in Pandas?

I merged 3 different CSV(D1,D2,D3) Netflow datasets and created one big dataset(df), and applied KMeans clustering to this dataset. To merge them I did not use

How to convert the values of an attribute having categorical values to integer type?

I have a dataset in which one of its columns is Ex-Showroom_Price, and I'm trying to convert its values to integers but I'm getting an error. import pandas as p

how to log hydra's multi-run in mlflow

I am trying to manage the results of machine learning with mlflow and hydra. So I tried to run it using the multi-run feature of hydra. I used the following cod

Is there a way to forecast sales for multiple products across multiple stores?

My Data is in this format(Both Multiple and Multivariate Timeseries) I need to predict number of units sold is gonna be for every product across different st

Keras ModelCheckpoint val_loss decreases but says it doesn't

I use a ModelCheckPoint in Keras to save only the best models. Although, I see the val_loss decreasing the ModelCheckPoint says; No. Any ideas? checkpoint = Mod

pandas copy value from one column to another if condition is met

I have a dataframe: df = col1 col2 col3 1 2 3 1 4 6 3 7 2 I want to edit df, such that when the value of col1 is smaller than

multivariate xgboost time series

I implemented a univariate xgboost time series using the following code, def series_to_supervised(data, n_in=1, n_out=1, dropnan=True): n_vars = 1 if type(d

ValueError: A given column is not a column of the dataframe in pipeline and columntransformer

I am working on the toy dataset with ColumnTransformer and pipeline but I came across the error which I couldn't find a solution on the internet. toy = pd.read_

How to resolve the error encountered while using GPyTorch with SpectralMixture Kernel?

I am using GPyTorch for fitting a gaussian process regression model (primarily for the learning process). While following their tutorial, I am trying to use Spe

The difference between smote.fit_sample() and smote.fit_resample()

What exactly is the difference between smote.fit_sample() and smote.fit_resample()? When shall we use smote.fit_sample() and when to use smote.fit_resample()?

In Arviz while ploting the plot_trace or plot_posterior getting the type error

While running the code az.plot_trace(result_final); facing the below error TypeError: expected dtype object, got 'numpy.dtype[float64]' The above exception was

pandas create Cross-Validation based on specific columns

I have a dataframe of few hundreds rows , that can be grouped to ids as follows: df = Val1 Val2 Val3 Id 2 2 8 b 1 2 3 a 5

Use Google Colab Resources on local IDE

I have a big doubt... is see a lot of blog posts where they say that you can use the Colab front-end to edit a local Jupiter Notebook However I don't see the po