Category "textures"

Why is this texture displaying all black?

Here is the function where I am calling all of my draw operations. I also compile the shaders inline in the function. It displays the quad correctly when I just

Refreshing a Variable multiple times a frame(for a texture array in a shader)

I want to Update an integer multiple times in frame so that the fragment-shader can access the right index of a texture array for different objects. I first tri

SharpGL Low Resolution Textures

I am loading textures in using the following code: var texture = new SharpGL.SceneGraph.Assets.Texture(); texture.Create(gl, filename); But when I render them

OpenGL texture gets worse when moving camera away from object

The texture gets generally worse more I move the camera away from the object. I need to be really close to the object for the texture to be fine. Does anyone kn

Three.js Texture loading

I am starting during this days with Three.js and it's very cool. Now i would like to load a texture and apply it to a simple sphere. My problem is that when i o

Why is my OpenGL texture black (in Dear ImGUI)?

In OpenGL 4.6, I (attempt to) create and initialize a solid color texture as follows: glCreateTextures(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 1, &_textureHandle); glTexParameteri(G

Multiple UVs/textures for single mesh in THREE.js

I have an OBJ that uses four textures. The UVs defined in the file range from (0, 0) to (2, 2), such that (0.5, 0.5) refers to a coordinate in the first textur

Unreal: How to access image in MediaTexture with C++?

I'm currently using unreal read from video and cameras. I got a Media Player and Media Texture alongside with it. I'm aware that It is possible to read pixels f