Category "database"

Is there a way to download and import multiple .tsv files into excel or access?

I am trying to create a database from SEC filings. The filings come in .tsv files and are structured in folders by year and quarter. Ever folder contains about

vue: Downloading excel files using node-xlsx

I am very new to programming and working on a web project. I used node-xlsx make a button that export excel data. But I got an error "Cannot read properties of

How can I set 'id' as biginteger and autoincrement in phinx for PostgreSQL?

I tried to set as only biginter but it lost its autoincrement properties. So I tried adding auto-increment as well. $table->changeColumn('id', 'biginteger',

Why does a known type produce a runtime error but an inferred type produces a null value?

Let's take the following example from BigQuery, but it's the same across all other databases I've seen: with tbl as ( select [1,2,3] as arr, '{"IDS": [1

Trying to get only cells with certain initials but giving me syntax error? SQL

So my assignment question is to "Get a list of all books withdrawn by people with the initials 'B.W.'. Show a column for the first name, last name, initials, an

System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException : SQL Logic Error

A Sqlite Database was created that consists on a persons FirstName and LastName.When the code is executed, System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException: 'SQL logic error

Cannot run Cypher query

I have to do that:Find the students who are over 22 years old and are studying Databases. Expected result: MATCH (p:Student)-[:Study]->(s:Subject) WHERE

Do i have to put a foreign key relation to any column in a table with relation with another table? larvavel 8, Sql

I have multiple tables, and some do have columns which are related but I am not certain if I have to put the foreign key relations to all columns which are rela

Connect to Progress database without knowing user and password

Setup: Progress 11.5 databases sitting on Linux (CentOS) server, with proenv available. I'm trying to connect to Progress database through proenv and sqlexp. I'

MySQL Database Manager with RabbitMQ

I'm new to message brokers like RabbitMQ and I have to develop an application with RabbitMQ that interfaces with MySQL, so the final task is to create a MySQL D

Sqlite - Return rows where some values are different

I have a large table a SQLite database of student exam results. Students often resit failed exams and subsequently pass them as shown with student 10001 below.

how to hide results from database until the seacrh is complete in Laravel?

i am making a search for the website so the user can search for results from database everything is working fine but how can i hide results until the user compl

SUM UP two columns and then find the find MAX value in SQL Server

I am working with Microsoft SQL Server and want to find E_ID and E_Name where T1+T2 has the MAX value. I have two steps to reach the necessary result: Find the

Matillion to Snowflake connection is showing error 'Default Database must not be empty'

I am trying to connect Snowflake to Matillion ETL using key-pair authentication. I'm facing the error 'Default Database must not be empty'. We have given a defa

How can I configure 2 docker compose files such that they use an existing service if it's already been pulled?

I frequently swap between different apps which use Docker, some of which are microservices that need to both be operational so I can't simply kill all of my con

How to have AWS RDS synchronous read replication?

For AWS RDS there are 2 way to create a "clone" of your DB : 1/ Read replica : Create a read replica, data is asynchronous, meaning there's a little delay 2/ Mu

laravel database error when I try to convert an string to datetime

I'm on Laravel project that I didn't start, my problem is when I try to do an insert on laravel. I need to insert a datetime, on Y-m-d h:i:s.v format but when i

Query to filter a table where a field can be a number or left empty

I created a form with 3 textboxes & a search button. Also a query that is setup to take the criteria in the textboxes & filter the results of a table wi

MySQL format number with unknown number of decimal places

In MySQL, I only want to add thousand separator in the number like 1234.23234, 242343.345345464, 232423.22 and format to "1,234.23234", "242,343.345345464", "23

Creating procedure that add value when it doesn't exist (Syntax error)

I'm trying to create a procedure that add a value that doesn't exist but I'm currently getting a syntax error. I don't know how to correct the error. Any help w