Category "database-table"

Auto increment table column

Using Postgres, I'm trying to use AUTO_INCREMENT to number my primary key automatically in SQL. However, it gives me an error. CREATE TABLE Staff ( ID

SQLite extension in VSCode not showing tables

I am trying to use SQLite in VSCode. I have installed SQLite extension by Alexcvzz. after opening the database when I right-click on the table and select "Show

SQLite extension in VSCode not showing tables

I am trying to use SQLite in VSCode. I have installed SQLite extension by Alexcvzz. after opening the database when I right-click on the table and select "Show

SQLite extension in VSCode not showing tables

I am trying to use SQLite in VSCode. I have installed SQLite extension by Alexcvzz. after opening the database when I right-click on the table and select "Show