Category "date"

How do I solve this too crowded x-axis when x-ticks does not work?

Context: The Data is on the millisecond and is in the following format: '08:04:18.795' '08:13:15.496' Now what I want is to create specific time brackets (e.g.

How do I count the number of filled-in rows of a sheet based on the contents of a column?

Disclaimer: I am completely self-taught in google sheets I have a sheet with columns for Date, Place, Title, etc. I am attempting to count how many rows have al

Create date information in the file structure in the JSON file

is it possible to specify a date in the JSON structure, like for example in PHP ( $my_date = date("m.d.Y"); Wh

How do I know in Magento if a given date is today / tomorrow / some day ago?

I would like to check, if a date is a today, tomorrow, yesterday, or Previous. But my code doesn't work. public function istimedate($timestamp=''){ $times

WP contact form 7: get current date value to populate an input field

Using contact form 7 on my website, would like to retrieve the form submission date as an input value to use in "Jetpack CRM" for a custom field. I want to avoi

Why method print() of my class CustomDateFormatter using with my custom spring annotation is never called?

I have a issue with creation of custom annotation in springboot application: I've got a form with few fields with datepicker. Dates must have to be parsed in 2

PostgreSQL: Getting the sum of the difference in dates from two separate tables

The following code: SELECT ets.event_id, ets.event_date, dtn.don_date, dtn.don_date - ets.event_date AS date_diff FROM events ets, donation dtn GROUP BY ets.eve

How do you populate missing dates for lag?

Say that I have a dataset. date <- c("2004-02-01", "2004-03-05", "2004-08-09", "2004-08-13", "2004-10-20", "2004-11-02", "2008-01-05", "2008-02-03", "2008-08

AutoHotKey Date Parsing returning today's date

I had been working on a QoL macro to convert selected text dates into a desired format. For that purpose I was trying to utilize the DateParse function that is

How to find previous weeks date?

The method should retrieve the date in the previous week that corresponds most closely to the specified date. fromdate = prevMth(systemDateGet()); need to chan

Is it safe to store dates as a string in mysql?

I have to allow my users to make an update with 24 hours of delay from their previous update, so because date operations in this case are going to be on the bac

Filtering query by the field: recurrence/range/endDate

Is it possible (using Graph Api) to filter query by recurrence/range/endDate event field? For other data types it works, but for the endDate field, which is a D

gin/golang gin-gonic does not parse time.Time properly for unix json?

I cannot find the way to execute this code properly with UNIX: package main import ( "time" "" "net/http" ) type Things struct

How to change Date and Time settings on Google Cloud Instance?

I am trying to change Date and time settings to UTC+10 Canberra,Sydney,Melbourne on the instance but it always keep rolling back to UTC+00 Monrovio, Reykjavik.

How can I tell if DateTime.Now() is on a day AFTER a different DateTime

I'm running this on flutter, but I guess this could be a more general issue. I am saving a DateTime in the preferences. I want to be able to then tell if DateT

How to format TimeOfDay to String in flutter

I want to display the current time. Used TimeOfDay.Now() to get the current time, TimeOfDay _currentTime =; Text("Current Time: ${_currentTime

How to change the date format on a Work Item in Azure DevOps Work item

The date format on each Work Item is showing in US format (M/d/yyyy) and I need it to display in AU format (dd/mm/yyyy). I have set the region for the Organisat

Spark SQL: Parse date string from dd/mm/yyyy to yyyy/mm/dd

I want to use spark SQL or pyspark to reformat a date field from 'dd/mm/yyyy' to 'yyyy/mm/dd'. The field type is string: from pyspark.sql import SparkSession fr

Parsing a string to a date in JavaScript

How can I convert a string to a Date object in JavaScript? var st = "date in some format" var dt = new Date(); var dt_st = // st in Date format, same as dt.

How to sort array of objects by dates and make new arrays which will contain all objects with same date [closed]

I have a very specific problem in Javascript. I have array of objects, and each object contains some date. const array = [ {name: 'first', dat