Category "watchkit"

How to draw polyline over map in apple watchOS

We have tried with apple map but apple map SDK does not allow us to draw polyline over the map so we have seen one application that is doing a similar thing usi

How to style rows in SwiftUI List on WatchOS?

I'm working with SwiftUI and is trying to make a list of buttons with custom .buttonStyle inside a List view on WatchOS, but can't get it to work. Is this even

How to change "Cancel" button text in modal sheet view in SwiftUI on watchOS 7?

I have 2 simple views: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State private var showingModalView = false var body: some View { Button(

iOS Watch app fails to install - WatchKit 1.0 apps are no longer installable on this watchOS version

I have added Watch App target for existing iOS app but I have problem to install it on watch simulator. It always fails with this message This app could not be

Multiple complications in watchos

I'm building complications for a nutrition tracking app. I'd like to use offer multiple smaller complications, so the user can track their nutrition. EG: 'MyA

WCSession "isComplicationEnabled" always returns false in iOS 15.4

Since I've updated my test device (iPhone 12 mini) to the latest iOS version 15.4, the complications of my companion app on the watch (watchOS 8.5) do not recei