Category "date-arithmetic"

Create View in SQL Server to create multiple rows for each date,with calculated date and identifier column

I need to create a VIEW/Select statement that will take a start date, and create 3 different rows for each date. One row calculates 30 days, from the start date

Convert seconds to days, hours, minutes, seconds (MySQL)

Example: seconds ="1015557"; Result should be: 11days 18h:05m:57s How can do this in MySQL?

converting string to date using TO_DATE for MM/DD/YY gives wrong values for dates before 1970 [snowflake-cloud-data-platform]

Trying to convert a date string 03/31/69 to 1969-03-31 standard date format using TO_DATE function. SELECT TO_DATE('03/31/69', 'MM/DD/YY'); Expected value was