I'm using Spring Boot with JPA and a Db2 database on an AS400 server. When I inspect the result of a SELECT statement using the debugger tool, the value stored
I am hitting a query through lookup activity on DB2 Database using ADF. Query is: But when I execute the query the '\' count gets double. The output is provide
Im currently trying to export some data EXPORT TO result.csv of DEL SELECT * FROM "DB2BXXXD"."BTTT060" FETCH FIRST 20 ROWS ONLY from our DB2 z/OS Database serv
I am using Hacker Rank to learn SQL sufficiently to pass coding interviews. I have noticed an error in the online compiler when I run it using DB2. In Oracle,
I have created the following DB2 function below: CREATE FUNCTION CLAIMS.get_gross_amount (payment_option varchar(30),fy date, released date, grossamt int, taxam
I'm trying to connect to an IBM DB2 database using SQLAlchemy connection format but it keeps failing to connect. I am using these libraries: !pip install sqlalc
So I do have following SQL select SELECT FOO.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY KEY ASC) AS ROW_NUMBER FROM FOO Key is of the type VARCHAR(12). I wonder why the h
I'm using DB2 to develop an app, I have the tables products, price and cost, these tables store products data at this way: As you can see, for this example
we're migrating our IBM i System from OS 6.0 to 7.4; we're testing all the applications which somehow connect and read/write data to it and we found a weird beh
Is there a way to build a DB2 query to search a combination of strings in a field? I am trying to do this: select ITEM, ITEM_DESC where instr(ITEM_DESC,>par
Like picture above Are there some options to control the encoding? (switch between UTF8 and GBK?) I found a DEFAULT_CHARSET property(the value is utf8) in io.v
I have recently migrated some scheduled jobs from a Windows Server 2012 virtual server to a new Windows Server 2019 virtual server, and have noticed some notabl
I'm executing a query on IBM DB2 server with ibm_db_dbi. Here is my query: connection = ibm_db_dbi.connect(hostSettings, '', '') ret = pd.read_sql(query, connec
I want to find the data which is having positive number . How many records have the positive values. find out the ' . ' in the data We are using db2 database h
Hi I am trying to call an as400 stored procedure using OleDB. Could you please post an example of how to do it cause I've been following some tutorials but not
Is there a way to find the number of days in a month in DB2. For example I have a datetime field which I display as Jan-2020, Feb-2020 and so on. Based on this
I'm having trouble with an error that says: UDA-SQL-0144 An arithmetic exception was detected.[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT64] SQL20448N "1993" cannot be interprete
I have a dynamic sql file in which name of TBCREATOR changes as given in a parameter. I use a simple python script to change the TBCREATOR=<variable here>
How to get/change db2 database owner?
The previous DB2 Express-C versions were working fine over the years, but the basic commands not running on no cost Db2 Community Edition 11.5.5 (latest) . afte