Category "debian"

"Neither readline nor libedit was found" on Raspbian 11 (bullseye)

I am trying to compile Ruby and I am getting the following: root@raspberrypi:~/ruby-3.1.2# make -j4 ... linking ruby make[2]: Leaving directory '/root/ruby-3.1.

Running keyboard module in python is returning weird characters

I am running a python script to capture keyboard input in order to read a bar code reader scanner on a debian 9.0 system, the bar code reader is supposed to wor

(38)Function not implemented: AH00141: Could not initialize random number generator

I recently upgrade my Debian server from Debian 10 (Buster) to Debian 11 (Bullseye). Apache2 was upgrade to the 2.4.52-1~deb11u2 version. Since that, I can't st

Can anyone help fixing my error on installing isolated-vm?

I run into the following error installing the npm package isolated VM on Debian 11: The log doesn't help me that much.

Where is log file of openproject?

I have Openproject in my debian 9 server. I couldn't find log file for openproject. /var/log/openproject is empty I tried openproject logs --tails error cat:

pyvirtualdisplay - downloads are stuck as .part file

I have a python-selenium script running on a debian 11 server without any Desktop - thats why i use pyvirtualdisplay. The script has to login to a website and t

FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "apt cache update failed"} when trying to

I am new to Ansible and try, as an example, a task to install Vivaldi. My only task in a role Vivaldi update starts with - name: Run apt upgrade apt:

how to install MongoDb on Debian 11

I followed the description of how to install MongoDB to Debian 11 that can be found in severall places. Since all describe the same, I selected one of them. Eve

How to launch a new WSL bash window from an existing WSL bash window

I am struggling to figure out how to launch a new "command prompt" window via a bash command in WSL. The goal is to launch a second prompt preferably already in

How to establish semaphore between two different files and synchronize data

I am currently working on semaphore concepts ,. I Have two files I have to share data between two files Eg : application1.c It increments one value and shares t

Azure File Share - Mount

I create an Azure File Share on my Storage Account v2. Going under the label Connect I copied the command lines to mount the File Share with Samba v3.0 I didn'

Add word to end of line in Ansible

I've been trying a lot of lineinfile and replace examples but i can't get it to work. I have the following lines: deb-src b

Building from Dockerfile and getting "The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY"

I'm trying to build a PHP 5.3/Apache for local use using a Dockerfile that starts: FROM php:5.3-apache RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y \

Permission problems with file transfer from filezilla runs into login problems in the shopware backend / frontend

I have running a shopware stack on AWS which runs without problems. Now I try to clone this live shop to an development environment using bitnami shopware stack

could not find driver Debian SQL Server PHP

I have a Laravel installation running on a Debian 9.9 server and PHP 7.4. I need to connect to a SQL Server database on a remote Windows server. I followed th

How to install apt-get and debian packages on busybox

I've recently download the busybox image from dockerhub busybox:glibc - Debian, and notice that apt-get is not available on this distribution. I tried to instal

List manually installed apt packages on Debian 10 (Buster)

It was always nice to see which packages I manually installed using apt install. Because I could then remove the packages I no longer need. But I can't find a c

Trying to install TA-lib

I'm using gcp debian VM, and trying to install the module TA-lib doing this (with the tar already downloaded): $ tar -xzf ta-lib-0.4.0-src.tar.gz $ cd ta-lib/ $

How can I get the installed apt packages with Ansible?

I am trying to list all installed packages on my Debian 7 (Wheezy), 8 (Jessie), and 9 (Stretch) machines. There are easy ways dealing with it using APT or

Listing all user-installed packages in Debian

For a cyber security competition I participate in, I'm given a Debian virtual machine with many packages installed and asked to clean extraneous or malicious pa