Category "deep-learning"

dice coefficient and dice loss very low in UNET segmentation

I'm doing binary segmentation using UNET. My dataset is composed of images and masks. I divided the images and masks into different folders ( train_images, trai

RTX 3070 compatibility with Pytorch

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 with CUDA capability sm_86 is not compatible with the current PyTorch installation. The current PyTorch install supports CUDA capabilit

Use multiple images for batch inference cppflow C++

I'm trying to use cppflow library in windows 10 x64 machine in VS2019 C++. I want to inference my model for batch of images (vector <cv::Mat> ). I write a

Keras CNN, Incompatible shapes: [32,20,20,1] vs. [32,1]

I'm trying to reconstruct in Python the Gradient Transformation Network model in the paper titled : Single Image Super-Resolution Based on Deep Learning and Gra

Keras loss value significant jump

I am working on a simple neural network in Keras with Tensorflow. There is a significant jump in loss value from the last mini-batch of epoch L-1 to the first m

Variational Autoencoder KL divergence loss explodes and the model returns nan

I'm training a Conv-VAE for MRI brain images (2D slices). the output of the model is sigmoid, and the loss function binary cross-entropy: x = input, x_hat = out

Onnxruntime NodeJS set intraOpNumThreads and interOpNumThreads by execution mode

I'm using Onnxruntime in NodeJS to execute onnx converted models in cpu backend to run inference. According to the docs, the optional parameters are the followi

Deep Reinforcement Learning - CartPole Problem

I tried to implement the most simple Deep Q Learning algorithm. I think, I've implemented it right and know that Deep Q Learning struggles with divergences but

Cannot set tensor: Dimension mismatch. Got 3 but expected 4 for input 0

This is probably going to be a stupid question but I am new to deep learning and TensorFlow. Here I have converted my deep learning model to TF-lite, after that

Deep learning CNN: low accuracy

I am training a convolutional neural network for binary time series classification. The training accuracy on both models is very different. If on the first it g

LSTM model fails

enter image description here model = Sequential() model.add(LSTM(units=32, return_sequences=True, input_shape=(training.shape[1],1))) model.add(Dropout(0.2)) mo

Identify table grid in image

I have to identify the table grid in this image and change it to Grimson red color. I am a beginner in image processing. img_arr = mpimg.imread("1.jpg") plt.

What is the meaning of "trainable_weights" in Keras?

If I freeze my base_model with trainable=false, I get strange numbers with trainable_weights. Before freezing my model has 162 trainable_weights. After freezin

What is the meaning of "trainable_weights" in Keras?

If I freeze my base_model with trainable=false, I get strange numbers with trainable_weights. Before freezing my model has 162 trainable_weights. After freezin

ValueError: Exception encountered when calling layer "sequential_5" (type Sequential)

I am following this course : TensorFlow Developer Certificate in 2022: Zero to Mastery This is the following code : # Set random seed tf.random.set_seed(42) #

How can one use the RemoveIsolatedNodes transform in Pytorch Geometric?

I am trying to run a graph classification problem in pytorch-geometric and I see that some of my graphs contain isolated nodes (which can cause problems). For e

Custom Loss Function returning - InvalidArgumentError: The second input must be a scalar, but it has shape [64]

I'm trying to use a modified version of this custom loss and I'm getting the error below InvalidArgumentError: The second input must be a scalar, but it has sh

labels and the predictions of multiclass images images Index Error: list index out of range

I am training a CNN with an dataset of images that consists of 2410 RGB images and belongs to two categories, i.e., crops and another is grass. After training t

How to get rid of the KeyError: 'names'

I was trying to make a program that can make classification between runway and taxiway using mask rcnn. after importing custom dataset in json format I am getti

How to make Intel GPU available for processing through pytorch?

I'm using a laptop which has Intel Corporation HD Graphics 520. Does anyone know how to it set up for Deep Learning, specifically Pytorch? I have seen if you ha