Category "face-recognition"

Can Detectron2 identify human faces or not?

I want to know that detectron2 can identify human faces or not. I know detectron2 is an object detection framework so its possible or not?

Running Python scripts in Java class activity in Android Studio with Chaquopy

I am trying to utilize some python scripts in an Android Application (Java). I have configured Chaquopy following the instructions on their website. https://ch

opencv video window not opening though sucess true and camera opens wbut no video window

Can somebody help me with finding error on the below code? I am working on tutorial Face Detect Attendance system python opencv but cv fails to load camera....

how to install face_recognition module for python

i have installed the cmake but still dlib is not installing which is required for the installation of face_recognition module the below mentioned error i am ge

What is the best approach for storing multiple vectors per person for face recognition

I want to make a face recognition for employees as work. I already have system that gets image from cameras and outputs face embeddings (128-dimensional vectors

Can't Load Models for face-api.js

I don't understand how to load the "models" so that the client side of my React web app can start analyzing images. I don't even really understand what a "mode