Category "deep-learning"

How to Merge two CNN models?

I have 1D-CNN model and 2D-CNN model and want to merge them as mention in this paper , How can i merge them ? any help will appreciate , Thank you very much!

Keras: network doesn't train with fit_generator()

I'm using Keras on the large dataset (Music autotagging with MagnaTagATune dataset). So I've tried to use fit_generator() fuction with a custom data generator.

numpy random choice in Tensorflow

Is there an equivalent function to numpy random choice in Tensorflow. In numpy we can get an item randomly from the given list with its weights. np.random.c

Are modern CNN (convolutional neural network) as DetectNet rotate invariant?

As known nVidia DetectNet - CNN (convolutional neural network) for object detection is based on approach from Yolo/DenseBox:

Whenever i try to print classification report, in accuracy column it prints some other value 0.50 but my accuracy is 0.96

Importing libraries import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import keras from keras.layers import * from keras.models import * from sklearn.metric

RuntimeError: Input type (torch.FloatTensor) and weight type (torch.cuda.FloatTensor) should be the same

I am trying to train the following CNN as follows, but I keep getting the same error regarding .cuda() and I am not sure how to fix it. Here is a chunk of my co

Tensorflow TypeError: Fetch argument None has invalid type <type 'N

a=tf.Variable(0, name='input') b=tf.constant(1) mid_val =tf.add(a,b) update_value =tf.compat.v1.assign(a,mid_val) tg=initialize_all_variables() with tf.compa

Convert a SMILES dataset to graph

My idea would be to create a VAE or a GAN capable of generating new drugs, using graphs as representations for my molecules. Now I’m asking the real quest

How to test my trained Tensor Flow model

I currently have a regression model that tries to predict a value based on 25 other ones. Here is the code I currently gave import tensorflow as tf import n

Faster way to do multiple embeddings in PyTorch?

I'm working on a torch-based library for building autoencoders with tabular datasets. One big feature is learning embeddings for categorical features. In pra

Validation loss and loss stuck at 0

I am trying to train a classification problem with two labels to predict. For some reason, my validation_loss and my loss are always stuck at 0 when training. W

How to fix "ValueError: Expected input batch_size (1) to match target batch_size (4)."?

I'm training a pytorch neural network on google colab to classify sign langauge alphabets of 29 classes in total. We've been fixing the code by changing vario