Or: How to log from a static method. From https://github.com/App-vNext/Polly you have examples like this one where a logger is magically available: Policy .Ti
I'm writing Blazor WASM app in .NET 6. The app works as it should in Debug when running from Visual Studio 2022, but when I deploy it as a static site using dot
I am trying to use Dependency Injection to register service in ASP.NET Core-6 Web API. I got this interface: public interface IHttpClientService { Task<T
I work on a Blazor-Server-App and try to follow MVVM pattern. My problem is, that I don't understand why a parentpage is not 'auto refreshed' after a property i
Is it possible to use Google guice as dependency injection provider for a Apache spark Java application? I am able to achieve this if the execution is happening
I am trying to come up with a way to do this where I can have type safety but also loose coupling of a couple of different components in my class. I am running
I have my app.module that imports UserModule and AuthModule. @Module({ imports: [UserModule, AuthModule], controllers: [AppController], providers: [AppSer
I'm currently trying to build an email registration process with an email confirmation. I use the JavaMailSender for this. Unfortunately, I am currently getting
For the normal IOptions interface, you can manually build an instance e.g. this SO question. Is there any equivalent way to make an IOptionsMonitor instance wi
In my AspNetCore application, I process messages that arrive from a queue. In order to process a message, I need to resolve some services. Some of those service
I'm playing around with .Net Maui, AppShell and dependency injection. I try to call a page with a constructor which takes the ViewModel of this page as paramete
My use case is running custom code before a controller method by annotating methods. HandlerInterceptor seems the way to go but it seems impossible to inject d
I would like to implement a recurring (timed) IHostedService instance in ASPNET Core that can be stopped and started on demand. My understanding is that IHoste
I would like to implement a recurring (timed) IHostedService instance in ASPNET Core that can be stopped and started on demand. My understanding is that IHoste
I would like to implement a recurring (timed) IHostedService instance in ASPNET Core that can be stopped and started on demand. My understanding is that IHoste
I have the following parts in my gradle file: apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt' ... compile("org.mapstruct:mapstruct:1.3.0.Final") kapt("org.mapstruct:mapstr
In the angular docs, it lists the types of feature modules that one can implement. One of those being a service module. https://angular.io/guide/module-types
Many Architects and Engineers recommend Dependency Injection and other Inversion of Control patterns as a way to improve the testability of your code. There's n
I'm facing a problem that Mediatr command handler is not called. I have the following solution structure. Project.sln -> Application layer (.NET standard cl
Currently I am using DI in azure functions the standard way public class Startup : FunctionsStartup { public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder b