Category "smote"

Predicting with SMOTE

If I have a training dataset that has 1083 samples and a testing dataset that has 79871 samples, how do I go about making the samples equal? I have been using S

SMOTE within a recipe versus SMOTE in trainControl

I am trying to understand where exactly SMOTE-ing should occur when training a model with cross-validation. I understand that all pre-processing steps should oc

Using SMOTE for imbalanced data

While doing the SMOTE , i get the following error. "Error in matrix(if (is.null(value)) logical() else value, nrow = nr, dimnames = list(rn, : length of 'di

Import error _euclidean_distances from sklearn.metrics.pairwise

I am working with Orange 3.30.1 trying to use the Python Script widget to add SMOTE to my data classification problem (the Orange team has refrained from implem

How can i impelement SMOTE inside a columnTransformer?

I'm trying to implement SMOTENC inside a column transformer. However I'm getting error. The code and the error is provided below. #Create a mask for categorical