I want to know that detectron2 can identify human faces or not. I know detectron2 is an object detection framework so its possible or not?
I am evaluating Cityscapes dataset using COCOEvaluator from Detectron2. I want to know if COCO Evaluation metric implemented in Detectron2 takes into considerat
I have working instance segmentation, I'm using "mask_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x" model. When I inference image it takes about 3 second / image on GPU. How can I speed u
I finished training model for instance segmentation in detectron2 when I test images in training files there is no problem class names(apple,banana,orange) are
def do_train(cfg, model, resume=False): model.train() optimizer = my_build_optimizer(cfg, model) scheduler = build_lr_scheduler(cfg, optimizer)