I'm using Stata on Ubuntu and managed to link do-files to the xstata command. Now when I click onto a .do from my file manager, Stata and the file in the do-fil
I'm using kmatch in Stata. The reason why I use kmatch is to use the command ematch to match exactly on a specific variable in addition to the propensity score
I am using Stata and studying VAR, Orthogonalized VAR, Structural VAR. I successfully replicated VAR and OVAR, but I failed to do that for SVAR. Could anyone su
I am creating a filled geographical map. I think I have what I want, but for some unexplained reasons, the legend key and the legend text are not in the same li
I have a plot whose y min starts well above 0. But I want to include 0 as the min of the y-axis and still have Stata automatically create evenly-spaced y-axis l
How can I display % on Y-axis? I can edit the values in the Graph Editor but don't know how this can be done via a script as I am creating several graphs in a l
I have a dataset where I need unique county FIPS codes that need to be merged. The dataset looks like: FIPS yr1990 yr2000 yr2010 1001 1 0 1 1002 1
How do I label/rename the variables on y axis? sysuse auto, clear regress price mpg trunk length turn if foreign==0 estimates store Option1 regress price mpg tr
I have a dataset of commuting by individuals, like this: id Origin Destination 1 1 3 2 1 4 3 2
I have the following data structure. Within each group, some observations have missing value. I do know that each group has only one non-missing value (10 for g
When using pandas.io.stata.read_stata or pandas.read_stata I receive: ValueError: Version of given Stata file is 69. pandas supports importing versions 105, 108