Category "dictionary"

WinAppDriver & Python error: AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'click'

I have a mini project that needs to automate tasks on GUI windows app using Python. While trying to find a solution I found WinAppDriver which is Selenium-like.

generate dict from datarame with grouping columns

I try to generate a json file or dict rom my datframe (grouping the columns) my datFrame is df1 = pd.DataFrame({ 'USER': ['ALL','ALL','BOB','STEVE',

generate dict from datarame with grouping columns

I try to generate a json file or dict rom my datframe (grouping the columns) my datFrame is df1 = pd.DataFrame({ 'USER': ['ALL','ALL','BOB','STEVE',

Not able to change keys in JavaScipt dictionary

I am a beginner, I want to replace spaces with hyphen from keys of JavaScript dictionary and get the keys back in dictionary eg. In nameVars = {"my name is":"am

Convert [String: Any] to [String: String] in swift

How to convert a [String: Any] to [String: String] in Swift. I've tried to cast like this, but it didn't help: for (key, value) in dictionary { dictionary[

How to get the values of dictionary python?

I have the below python dictionary stored as dictPython { "paging": {"count": 10, "start": 0, "links": []}, "elements": [ { "organiz

How do I update value in a nested dictionary given a path

I have a nested dictionary nested_dictionary = { "a": { "1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 3 }, "b": { "4": 4, "5": 5, "6": {"x": 10, "xi": 11, "xii": 13}} } I a

Decouple dictionary that contains a list as a value for a particular key

Let's say I have a dict in Python that follows this structure: dict_a = {"a": [1,2,3]} I want to produce an output to 'decouple' dict_a in a list of 3 separate

Python: nested dictionary is changing all values at once

I need to generate nested dictionaries, so I wrote the function create_nested: def create_nested(): key_dict = {} for key in ['key1', 'key2']:

Dictionary appends to same parent

I am trying to append to the parent but Python doesn't append to the parent. data = [(33, '', 'Alexa Pages'), (33, '', '404 Pages'), (32, 's

Changing DOM while getting result from filter ReactJS

i am working on a search function with states received from input's value , when there is no result i want to change the innerText of my div with an error text

How to add aliases to an input dictionary?

Recently I started a project. My goal was it to have a script, which, once launched, could be able to control actions on the hosts computer if an instruction wa

Python Minesweeper Game Dictionary

I am making a copy of Minesweeper for a project in my class. My professor recommended that I randomly layout 10 bombs on the game's 9x9 grid. I was able to crea

Check if value inside the list in dictionary values [duplicate]

Lets say I have a dictionary: dict = {'A': ['one', 'two'], 'B': [3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 'C': [11, 12]} I want to check if some value is

How to take the dict into .txt file, when my keys are tuple? [duplicate]

How to take the dict into .txt file, when my keys are tuple? When my keys are int, it can run successfully. But when the keys are tuple, it fa

Finding Percentages marks

We have a record of students. Each record contains the student's name, and their percent marks in Maths, Physics and Chemistry. The marks can be floating value

JSON: Trouble editing a JSON file in Python

What I want to do is remove the array containing "Nike" under the "Shoe" variable. Here is the Json file: { "Shoes/Colorways": [ { "

I do not understand how to switch keys while using two dictionaries

""" Given two dictionaries, find the keys they have in common, and return a new dictionary that maps the corresponding values. Example: dict1

Reduce javascript map change key dynamically

I would like to have the array in output using the input array in the reduce function. But I can't manage to dynamically add a key like this "${keyOrigin}": cur

Update a local python dictionary using mongo syntax, without mongo

I have a codebase that uses mongo. I want to add a caching layer in between where the persistence code is called and the actual mongo db, primarily so that I ca