Category "directx"

Resize Texture2D (printscreen) with SharpDX

The following question answers how to resize a printscreen taken with SharpDX by a power of two Resizing a DXGI Resource or Texture2D in SharpDX. I'm trying to

I want to use a UAV in a pixel shader to read the data in the buffer with the CPU

I would like to have information on the number of vertices that have been increased by doing Tessellation. To do this, we send the vertex information from the D

DirectX 11 render BGRA32 Frame

First time trying to render something and I have big troubles... I am using DirectN library and SwapChainSurface class from KlearTouch.MediaPlayer. I am trying

how to do cube mapping of a static environment onto a complex model by directx11 and HLSL?

I am very new to Shaders and programming in direct 11(c++) and HLSL for shaders. However, I have been given a task to: Implement cube mapping of a static enviro

How to Run Java3D on Window10 with Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630 Card(DirectX), using Eclipse

I could not load a 3D object using Java3D 1.5.1. I tried a few examples like: (1) from

How to compile HLSL Shaders during build with Cmake?

I'm working on a d3d application and i would like to compile my .hlsl shaders during to build using cmake. I have no idea where to start. this is my current CMa

Simulate a DirectShow Webcam

I am a developer in DotNet. I want to give skype a possibility to add a webcam simulator and send my bitmap frames to the DirectShow simulator. In this case I c