Category "discord"

Twitter monitor output to a Discord server?

Would like to learn how to make a twitter monitor that would output its findings to discord. This is a project I've had in mind for awhile and would like to lea

DJS Cannot read properties of null (reading 'premium')

In my code, before it does anything I have it check if there is data and if there isnt then make a new mongodb collection but when running the command and there

Discord js send everyone pm

I want send everyone in server a message or a embed. I searching google nothing shows up . I Saw some bots doing anonuncements. PM everyone. How i can do that

Discord radio bot randomly disconnecting

Djs (v12) Maybe someone is already familiar with this problem in their code and knows the solution. After a few hours of listening, the bot just randomly stops

role react bot discord python

I'm trying to create a react role on a message that my bot would have sent, how can I do it? here is my code debut: @bot.command(name = 'role_react_1') async de

How do I get all messages on a channel and post to hastebin? discord.js

I'm idealizing a doubt bot. In view of this, I must explain that at the end of the member's question, the channel must be closed and before that the bot must se

else statment ignored discord python rewrite

The user is successfully muted if the bot detects "discord" in the custom signature. When user remove discord from custom signature, he not unmuted. The else pa

How to make a discord bot to auto send messages?

Is it possible to make a bot to automatically message people in my friends list or everyone from a specific server where i'm not an administrator? Where would i

Discord webhook post to channel thread

How does one use Discord webhooks to post to a channel thread, not the channel itself? For example, I have a text channel called videos in which are a number of

Passing strings for MessageEmbed#setFooter is deprecated

I'm getting this warning in the terminal when running my bot code: (node:6220) DeprecationWarning: Passing strings for MessageEmbed#setFooter is deprecated. Pas

Python Discord: RuntimeError: Event loop is closed when launched from a specific network

RuntimeError: Event loop is closed error when trying to run any bot in discord when connected to my wifi network. When connected to another network, everything

does anyone know how to fix this error

I keep getting this error. Everything is imported right and everything is installed. The code was working in atom and then all of a sudden I get this error. Eve

Discord.JS Avatar Command using User ID

I want to use the avatar command using user id's/mentions. I was able to use mentions, however I am unable to use the user ids. Here is my current code: const D

How to count amount of reactions in Discord.js v13?

I have tried so many things out, here's my current code var green = toString(msg.reactions.cache.get('🟩').count); var red = toString(msg

Discord api join guild, unauthorized 401 error

I'm trying to authenticate a user with Discord oauth2, then add this user to the guild. I'm also using Passportjs to authenticate the user, so the DiscordStrate

Coinflip Embed Command

How would I go about making a coinflip embed command. What I want it to do is make a discord embed saying Coinflip | (Bot Name) as the header, then the field is

Ignoring Exception in_onmessage

I am new to making Discord Bots using Discord API and python, and apparently my code is acting a bit strange since i added Databases, i have used replit for the

Connection to monitor closed MongoDB

I am trying to run my discord bot but I get this error [12/4/2021, 2:06:02 AM] - [INFO] - [ShardManager] Started 1 shards [12/4/2021, 2:06:28 AM] - [ERROR] - co

Filter out bots from member count in client status

I want to make my bot activity say "Watching + Member Count (not include bots)". I did some steps, here is my code: client.once('ready', () => { set

Missing argument is required |

I tried to make an command which displays mentioned users avatar. This is the code: @client.command(aliases=['av']) async def avatar(ctx, *, member: discord.Mem