Category "django-admin"

I have an error about smart_text after installing django-admin-charts

I want to have charts in the admin panel, I installed the django-admin-charts package, Which said add these to INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'admin_to

Django admin: section in app without creating a model

I need a custom section of application on admin site. It must not consider any model (proxy, unmanaged, etc), without template overriding, just a "phantom" appl

How allow to fit read_only field for new record in TabularInline class in Django

I want to have a field readonly when record already saved but if admin adds a new record field must to be editable. How I can achieve it?

Is it possible to allow to create objects from the list_display view of the django admin site?

I have a model with fields name, roll_no, birth_date I am using the django admin's list display and list editable to have these fields displayed and edited in a

Django - Hide labels in inline

How to hide labels in Django inlines?

Django - Display in inline random info without relation to any model

Imagine there is a model: class OrgUnit(models.Model): name = models.CharField(...) type = models.CharField(...) address = models.TextField(...)

Allow empty foreign key selection in admin forms

I created a model(AnalysisFieldTemplate) with a foreign key to AnalysisFieldRule. What i want is to have the possibility to leave the field display_analysis_fie

unique=True gives already exist! Even if interchanging the values of two objects

To display objects (members) in particular order, I have made a field, order: order = models.IntegerField(unique=True,null=True,blank=True) so that I can do an

How to add a calculated field to a django admin inline

I am trying to add a calculated field to a Django Admin Inline. Consider this set of classes: class MyGroup(models.Model): group_name = models.Cha

Django Decimal field with value Decimal(0.00) is displayed as 0E-10 in the Django Admin Inline

Django 2.2. Model Definition. class BlockPeriod(BaseModel): price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=20, decimal_places=10) margin = models.DecimalField(m

Add a link to custom django admin view

I've created a custom admin view as documented here. class MyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): def get_urls(self): urls = super().get_urls() my_urls

How to enable django admin sidebar navigation in a custom view?

I have a view inheriting from LoginRequiredMixin, TemplateView, which renders some data using the admin/base_site.html template as the base. I treat it as a par

How to filter choices in Django2's autocomplete_fields?

In Django 2.0, autocomplete_fields was added, which is great. Without autocomplete_fields, I can change the queryset of a ForeignKeyField using formfield_for_f

Private Object Field in Django Admin

I'm wondering what the best way to have an editable field (by admins) for some object in Django admin that can't be viewable on the public site. For example, a

Why my Django admin is not loading with css?

I have developed a web app in Django and deployed it then I found out that admin page is not loading with CSS. I was gettting the admin page with css in local s

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/'

I am trying to run the following command in docker-composer, to start project with django-admin: docker-compose run app sh -c "django-admin startproject app ."

Hide Django logo/name in header Django admin tool

I want to hide/change the name displayed in the header bar, the label that I want to change is "DJANGO" word as the next image shows"

What is the way to ignore/skip some issues from python bandit security issues report?

I've got a bunch of django_mark_safe errors >> Issue: [B703:django_mark_safe] Potential XSS on mark_safe function. Severity: Medium Confidence: High

Django admin display many-to-many field as links

Trying to get my Django admin to display a list of related objects as hyperlinks to those objects. These objects are related through a many-to-many relationship

Add field to AbstractUser admin page

I have an AbstractUser class in file in order to extend the django user default class, class Profile(AbstractUser): address = models.CharField('A