I'm wondering how to pass runtime parameters to a ViewModel's constructor while using Hilt for DI? Prior to using Hilt, I have a ViewModel that looks like this:
Im investigating the use of Hilt in my current Android application. api 'androidx.hilt:hilt-work:1.0.0-alpha02' implementation "com.google.dagger:hilt-android:2
I need a help to detect adapter onclick event in activity class with the help of dagger hilt. Step1 : I have created one interface class which name is ItemClick
i tried to implement viewpager2 with tabLayout with dagger-hilt. then i got error when implementing viewpager2 on dagger hilt "kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAcces
When I am using Hilt in android with Room I got this kinda error. The full log is here: home/someone/Desktop/Calculator/app/build/tmp/kapt3/stubs/debug/com/hami
I keep getting this error: public final class MainViewModel extends androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel { ^ @HiltViewModel annotated class should contain exactly one
I have an error concerning Hilt, I"ve been trying to inject a retrofit interface I created using Hilt, Here is the error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Di
I have the following module that is used in the data layer of my application which is a plain Android Library. @Module interface MapperModule { @Binds f
I've a composable called ParentScreen and a ViewModel named ParentViewModel. Inside the ParentViewModel, I am collecting a value from my repo. class MyRepo @Inj
I'm using Hilt to inject context and other dependencies into my HomeViewModel class; Everything is working properly but I'm getting this warning. How can I prev
I'm using Hilt to inject context and other dependencies into my HomeViewModel class; Everything is working properly but I'm getting this warning. How can I prev
I am using Hilt. After updating to 1.0.0-alpha03 I got warnings that @ViewModelInject is deprecated and I should use @HiltViewModel. But when I change it I got
Suppose that I have a class A class A () I want to inject an instance of A as a field into class B and let Hilt or Dagger to handle it. Class B { @Inject la
I get the following warning when I want to use @AndroidEntryPoint which is a property of hilt in my project. Expected @AndroidEntryPoint to have a value. Did y
I have stumbled upon this quite trivial, but tricky problem. I have spent a decent amount of time searching official docs, but unfortunately found no answer. Of
I am using ViewModel inside BottomSheetDialogFragmet() so I have to mark my BottomSheet with @AndroidEntryPoint. @AndroidEntryPoint class SearchAddressDialog :
I try to store some days from ScheduleScreen screen. Lib uses in theme topic. While I was doing this, I had two questions: why i got this error Cannot create an
I just started using Dagger Hilt for dependency injection on Android and I get a warning on Android Studio saying 'ApplicationComponent' is deprecated. Deprecat
I just started using Dagger Hilt for dependency injection on Android and I get a warning on Android Studio saying 'ApplicationComponent' is deprecated. Deprecat
Here is my AllFilesListViewModel class. class AllFilesListViewModel @ViewModelInject constructor( private val pdfItemRepository: PdfItemRepository):ViewMod