I am running into a slight issue with redirecting http to https traffic with Traefik. So far, my https router with acme is working fine, but I have two problems
Hello i get this error after i run docker-compose build up But i get this error postgres_1 | Error: Database is uninitialized and superuser password is not spec
Here's my docker-compose.yml file: version: '3.1' services: a: image: tutum/hello-world b: image: tutum/hello-world secrets: id: my_password
I need to configure a vxlan interface on a docker container that runs our router service. Is it possible to add an interface to a docker container? This is base
When I run the following command, I expect the exit code to be 0 since my combined container runs a test that successfully exits with an exit code of 0. docker
I want to encapsulate my golang unit testing in a docker-compose script because it depends on several external services. My application has quite a lot of depen
How do you specify initialization database script for SQL Server via docker-compose using SQL script file? docker-compose.yml database: image: microsoft/m
Let's say I have a docker-compose.yml file containg five apps & I started them via docker-compose up -d Now there is an update for one of these apps availab
With plain docker I can use network mode container like this: docker run -d --name container-b --network container:container-a <image> Can this be achi
I want build a rocketmq cluster on my machine, where the mode is master-slave, with docker-compose And I can only start one broker at the same time. That say wh
here is my Dockerfile: FROM node AS builder WORKDIR /app COPY package*.json ./ COPY prisma ./prisma/ COPY tsconfig.build.json ./ COPY tsconfig.json ./ RUN n
I'm using a docker container to build and run my java application and I want to see the test results that would usually be available from build/reports/tests/te
I am trying to docker-compose up my containers, one for backend and another one for the database (postgis). If I docker-compose up db, I see db_1 | 2021-11-23
I am starting a new django project and want to dockerize the project, on my ubuntu. when I run docker-compose up --build I got a strange Error. It seems that it
I got an error while building backend docker, specifically installing Puppeteer. I'm using M1 MacBook, and I found a solution on the local machine(https://githu
Im fairly new to docker and so im trying to learn more about it using a laravel project, im following this tutorial: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tuto
I'm trying using a setup similar to the following: version: '3.4' x-my-volumes: &volumes - '../src:/var/www/src/:cached' - '../static:/var/www/stat