I'm trying to read out multiple serial ports at the same time with Python. I found some code to make it, but its not going well. The code not read the serial pr
So I have a button that in a cyle way execute a function as soon as the buttom is pressed down. Once released the function stops its execution. Now, for some re
import serial s = serial.Serial(port = 'Com3', 9600, timeout = 2) data = s.readline().decode().rstrip("\r\n") So basically when I try to read the data I get t
I have been working for some time to find a way to graph incoming data from an arduino with a Python GUI. I was able to accomplish this using the Matplotlib ani
im trying to see data in real time, i have to close the python program to refresh the data. It refreshes only when i close the python file and
I have a simple program that is receiving hex data via serial port it is in 6 bytes. When I print it out it prints on separate lines. import serial ser = serial
I am trying to communicate with a AlphaLabs GM-2 Gaussmeter (https://www.alphalabinc.com/product/gm2/) via its USB port with serial in python. The gaussmeter is
I am running into an issue where I am trying to read/write to serial port from windows, its similar to teraterm/putty but trying to customize it for personal us