I try to run spring boot application in Docker, Circle CI. Please, check how my .circleci/config.yml file looks like: version: 2.1 jobs: test: docker:
I'm having trouble building docker containers on an Apple M1 The project uses sdk 2.2 which is incompatible with arm64 architecture. So I changed the sdk and as
We're developing custom runtime for databricks cluster. We need to version and archive our clusters for client. We made it run successfully in our own environme
I'm new to docker and laravel. I'm trying to dockerize a laravel application, the source code is not mine. I used Sail for local tests, but now I want to build
I'm building an application with microservices communicating through RabbitMQ (request-response pattern). Everything works fine but still I have a problem with
I have a Springboot app that I have Dockerized. I have it exposed on port 8081, and can access it as expected. http://<ipaddress>:8081 Problem The Spring
I am using docker on my CentOS Linux release 7.8.2003 (Core) with 16 GB RAM. My docker version is Docker version 19.03.7. Docker-compose version is docker-compo
I create a new image base on the "mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server" image. Then I have a script to create a new database with some tables with seeded data within
I have 2 Spring Boot microservices that need to connect to a MySQL service which itself is deployed in Docker. I'm using Docker Compose but for some reason they
I am trying to migrate a program using python manage.py db migrate in my Visual Studio terminal but when I run it I am getting an error named (2005, "Unknown se
I am running into issues trying to start my database locally with Docker. I keep receiving the error: 2022-03-05 15:43:51+00:00 [Note] [Entrypoint]: Entrypoint
i tried using ddev with Linux Kubuntu and did as proceeded as described here: https://t3terminal.com/typo3-tutorials/install-typo3-docker-ddev/ means: // Instal
I have a simple python dockerized application whose structure is /src - server.py - test_server.py Dockerfile requirements.txt in which the docker base image
I got stuck on this for quite some time and i don't know why it doesn't work. I looked into posts similair to mine but i can't fix it, (tried checking the firew
My current setup: App.sln src\ ----BaseProject\ -------------Dockerfile -------------BaseProject.csproj ----ProjectA\ -------------Dockerfile -------------Proje
Hey guys so I'm on a synology DS218+ and I'm running docker and hosting my own instance of gitlab in it. So now I'm trying to write an update Script with bash.
GraphQL is still not supported in Django 4, so to use it I need to change the line: "from django.utils.encoding import force_text" to "from django.utils.encodin
I'm trying to send an http request through axios, from my localhost (node server) to a docker container (which contains a simple server in node too) which belon
So I have an API that will be deployed in a docker container. This API has the authentications controller, simple and not something special. When I start up th
I know the official Heroku guidance is "don't use privileged users/groups in docker containers", but what I wonder is, can you even create and use your OWN user