Category "dockerfile"

Unable to run serve -s build inside docker image for my react application

I'm trying to run my react application using the build folder via docker file. Everything seems to run properly when tried without docker, but when i run using

Docker errors when trying to build in ARM64 Apple M1: "Failed to resolve full path of the current executable [/proc/self/exe]"

I'm having trouble building docker containers on an Apple M1 The project uses sdk 2.2 which is incompatible with arm64 architecture. So I changed the sdk and as

dockerfile copying folder after a jest test completes

Is there a way to copy test results directory from running container before it shuts down? ... COPY tests tests ... CMD ["yarn", "test"] COPY /home/node/project

Cannot start container: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:349

I am using docker on my CentOS Linux release 7.8.2003 (Core) with 16 GB RAM. My docker version is Docker version 19.03.7. Docker-compose version is docker-compo

How to speed up building .net solution in docker

My current setup: App.sln src\ ----BaseProject\ -------------Dockerfile -------------BaseProject.csproj ----ProjectA\ -------------Dockerfile -------------Proje

ARM64 Geckodriver for Linux

I require an ARM64 version of geckodriver for Linux. I am aware you can compile it yourself, however I have no idea how to do that. I have also found this post.

Sample DockerFile for playwright test

trying to dockerize my playwright test and having looking for some reference on how i can write the dockerfile. Did some searches but could not find much help.

Install libmysqlclient-dev along with npm in dockers

I have an error when trying to install the libmysqlclient-dev package together with npm for some reason when installing libmysqlclient-dev it removes npm Step 1

Copy dockerfile files ADD instruction in superset

I have the following DockerFile FROM apache/superset:pr-19860 RUN pip install elasticsearch-dbapi RUN superset superset fab create-admin \ --user

Docker pull from local repository Fails

Probably a very basic question but I can't seem to get my head around this. So, I have a docker file, which I have built and it builds successfully and I can al

Setting alias in Dockerfile not working: command not found

I have the following in my Dockerfile: ... USER $user # Set default python version to 3 RUN alias python=python3 RUN alias pip=pip3 WORKDIR /app # Install l

Dockerize flutter web project

I'm trying to dockerize my flutter web project. And an image was created and the site run perfectly just the pictures of my website are not found and not displa

Docker & Laravel : configure: error: Package requirements (oniguruma) were not met

Can anyone help me with this problem. When i try to create a docker image from a dockerfile for laravel application i get this error: checking for onigurum

Python kernel not found by vscode when running docker container

I am trying to build a docker image to do debuging of a module that has lots of odd dependencies in vscocde. I am using the dockerfile below to build the image:

How to run "dotnet publish" with the runtime flag in a multi arch Dockerfile?

I have a set of ASP.NET Core 6.0 services hosted on AWS ECS Fargate. Currently they are running on x64 but I want to experiment using the ARM architecture. Also

Java Testcontainers - Cannot connect to exposed port

I implemented a POP3 server and client using javax.mail just to try doing integration testing with Docker. So I created two Docker images based on the openjdk:8

failed to start daemon: pid file found, ensure docker is not running or delete /var/run/

I start docker sudo service docker start then I try to run dockerd sudo dockerd it shows the following error: INFO[2021-11-21T19:25:52.804962676+05:30] Start

Pass variables from .env file to dockerfile through docker-compose

project └───app │ │ ... │ │ Dockerfile │ │ └───prod.env └

Is there a way to set path for docker build with the github action plugin docker/build-push-action@v1

I have a docker build action as below - name: build-push uses: docker/build-push-action@v1 with: username: ${{ DOCKER_USERNAME }

Command is run before the previous one is finished

Consider the following Dockerfile. It attempts to install Visual Studio Build Tools by downloading, installing, and then deleting the installer in a single RUN