Category "dom-manipulation"

How to append "delete button" to EVERY list item that is newly created in JS?

Shopping List exercise using JS DOM. My full code: I have to add a new "Delete" button to every newly created

Performance of getElementById vs. getElementsByClassName vs. querySelector

I was reading about dom manipulation topic in dev.mozilla and I came across with a statement that suggest us to use querySelector for element selection: Not

Iterate elements and toggle using classList in javascript

Conditions: Please use javascript and classList property to invert which elements have .highlight class. Basically iterate over all the <li> elements and

How to observe changes in HTML classes to change the innerHTML property

I'm trying to change a number on the webpage to display the current page number whenever there is a change in the classes of the DIV element. <div id="f

Auto resizing the SELECT element according to selected OPTION's width

I've got this select element with different option in it. Normally the select element would get its width from the biggest option element, but I want the select