Category "drf-yasg"

Disable pagination inspector on drf_yasg

I'm using drf_yasg to create my swagger document but I have an issue with PaginationInspector. In one of my views I declare a paginator and in swagger, is shown

How to disable "django login" hyperlink while accessing swagger ui in drf-yasg?

I'm using drf-yasg to add swagger auto schema to my endpoints. The swagger-ui is being visible at /api/v1/swagger/ At my local setup this link is working fine a

How to manually customize parameters of DRF views using drf-yasg Swagger?

I am using drf-yasg package to integrate Swagger with DRF. As documentation said I used @swagger_auto_schema decorator to manually customize auto-generated endp

Error message "`coreapi` must be installed for schema support"

I am trying to generate Swagger documentation using drf_yasg and it was working fine, but now it’s not. It’s giving me an error and I can not find a

How to use swagger_auto_schema in a class based view with no serializer_class and how to add custom authentication permission to it?

I have a class based view as: class ClassBasedView(GenericAPIView): @swagger_auto_schema(responses={201: 'Created'}) @authorize(myCustomPermission)