Category "linear-regression"

Gradient Descent for Linear Regression in One Variable(Octave)

Can anybody give a detailed explaination on how this piece of code works? h=(theta' * X')'; theta = theta -((1/m) * (h - y)' * X)' * alpha; *where X is the fea

Linear Regression statsmodel: Missing a required outcome variable

I am using statsmodel to build a linear regression for salary. It's giving me an error that says I am missing a required outcome variable. Can you tell what I

How to extract the coefficients of a linear model and store in a variable in R?

I have a data frame and I did a linear model. I want to extract the coefficients and store each coefficient into a variable using R. This is my data frame df &l

Linearregression of two dataframes

I have two dataframes: df = pd.DataFrame([{'A': -4, 'B': -3, 'C': -2, 'D': -1, 'E': 2, 'F': 4, 'G': 8, 'H': 6, 'I': -2}]) df2 looks like this (just a cutout; i

Using LmFuncs (Linear Regression) in Caret for Recursive Feature Elimination: How do I fix "same number of samples in x and y" error?

I'm new to R and trying to isolate the best performing features from a data set of 247 columns (246 variables + 1 outcome), and 800 or so rows (where each row i

why a specific model is not appropriate, given a data with 6 variables (they are chr variables)

i want to show why a specific model is not appropriate, given a data with 6 variables (they are chr variables) the model is y= abc*(x1+x2) a and b from the data

drop_First=true during dummy variable creation in pandas

I have months(Jan, Feb, Mar etc) data in my dataset and I am generating dummy variable using pandas library. pd.get_dummies(df['month'],drop_first=True) I want

What is the interpretation of a residual against fitted values plot?

After performing a regression, you get the residuals and the fitted values for the dependent variable. Plotting them can yield insights over the violation of OL

data partitionning function CreateDataPartition cross validation problem

I am trying to get predictions of a multiple variables model, its eplt, its made of 7 scores and one final exam score moy_exam2, I want to predict the later usi

How do I include the bias term with other weights when performing gradient descent in TensorFlow?

I'm a beginner with ML and have been following the Coursera intro syllabus. I am trying to implement the exercises using TensorFlow rather than Octave. I have t

Unbalanced panel error in PMG Analysis in R

I am trying to run a Fama Macbeth analysis in R, where I am using the 'pmg' function with the following code: Fpmg1 <- pmg(ret ~ HML_OBS + SMB + Mktrf + HML,


I am trying to build the following model but am getting this error when I am finally training the model and trying to get it's accuracy. It gets stuck when I am

Multiple regression: R splits Variable into multiple

Hey there i want to explore the effect of Age and Gender on points of a test via mlr. Yet when i type model <- lm(punkte~ Age + Gender, data = df) R gives m

Vectorized form Derivation of Multiple Linear Regression Cost Function

Can some one with expertise explain how the following vectorized format of multiple linear regression is derived from given independent variable matrix with int

Warning message: 'newdata' had 20 rows but variables found have 1000 rows

#This is my model linearMod <- lm( Housing_Training$SalePrice ~ Housing_Training$MSSubClass + Housing_Training$LotFrontage + Housing_Training$LotArea + Hous

Two different answers for same expression in C

I have an expression which does the same calculation. When I try to do the whole calculation in a single expression and store it in variable "a", the expression

How to get the P Value in a Variable from OLSResults in Python?

The OLSResults of df2 = pd.read_csv("MultipleRegression.csv") X = df2[['Distance', 'CarrierNum', 'Day', 'DayOfBooking']] Y = df2['Price'] X = add_constant(X) f

Can we use Normal Equation for Logistic Regression ?

Just like we use the Normal Equation to find out the optimum theta value in Linear Regression, can/can't we use a similar formula for Logistic Regression ? If n

Why is numpy.linalg.pinv() preferred over numpy.linalg.inv() for creating inverse of a matrix in linear regression

If we want to search for the optimal parameters theta for a linear regression model by using the normal equation with: theta = inv(X^T * X) * X^T * y one step

Why does lm generate NA for each independent variable?

I tried to make a linear regression with the lm function, but the output is NA for every independent variable. The dataframe is numeric. I have already tried t