Category "druid"

Druid generate missing records

I have a data table in druid and which has missing rows and I want to fill them by generating the missing timestamps and adding the precedent row value. This is

Druid setup ERROR: service serving this console is not responding

I am trying to setup druid in cluster mode. The setup is completer and there is no error in the server logs. Even the druid console is launching successfully, b

So slow Apache Druid Query

Currently i'm working with an Apache Druid Warehouse that stores near of 300 Millions of rows and have a size of 44GB. We are developing a Flask API that uses G

Create new Druid Datasource in Apache Superset

I'm creating a Druid Datasource in Apache Superset. I see 'Is Hidden' checkbox, but when I check or uncheck it, I don't see any difference. Can anyone explain

Empty response from druid when using quantile data sketch aggregator

I am trying to compute the the 95th percentile value of a metric in druid. I came across this documentation

How to parse json data in a column with Druid SQL?

I'm trying to parse json data in a column with Druid SQL in Superset SQL lab. My table looks like this: id json_scores 0 {"foo": 20, "bar": 10} 1 {"foo": 30, "

How to write Spark SQL batch job results to the Apache Druid?

I want to write Spark batch results data to the Apache Druid. I know Druid has native batch ingestions such as index_parallel. Druid runs Map-Reduce jobs in the

Need to load data from Hadoop to Druid after applying transformations. If I use Spark, can we load data from Spark RDD or dataframe to Druid directly?

I have data present in hive tables. I want to apply bunch of transformations before loading that data into druid. So there are ways but I'm not sure about those