Category "go-gin"

I add file to my API and got invalid character '-' in numeric literal in POST API

I know this code need to send a JSON instead of form data in the API err := ctx.ShouldBindJSON(&modelAdd) if err != nil { return err } But

Integrating Tus Resumable File Upload Protocol with Gin-Gonic CORS issue

I have looked at the similar questions here related to CORS issues with Gin and Tus; none addresses the problem I am currently having. The current implementatio

gin/golang gin-gonic does not parse time.Time properly for unix json?

I cannot find the way to execute this code properly with UNIX: package main import ( "time" "" "net/http" ) type Things struct

How to get in OpenTelemetry otelgin middleware the traceid or full context to provide it to grpc clients?

Atm, I work on a bunch of distributed microservices in go which I want to trace. I have an "api-gateway" that works via REST and then calls the needed microserv

Programmatically set an url parameter in gin context for testing purpose

I am writing some test suites for gin middlewares. I found a solution to test them without having to run a full router engine, by creating a gin context like th

Change Content-Type header in Gin middleware

I have a custom gin middleware set up to handle errors but however, it does change to the Content-Type header. package middleware import ( "fmt" "net/

Golang gin gonic web framework proxy route to another backend

How to reverse proxy web requests for a few routes to another backend in Gin Gonic web golang framework Is there a way to directly forward in the Handle functi

Returning JSON data as a stream per chunk to Angular2 or jQuery over HTTP2 (HTTPS)

In one of my API's I mostly return a result (let's say paged 50 results) as one whole in an json array like so: [{},{},{},{},{},...] I was wondering if there

Gorm and Gin error 500 only when Updating

I've a pretty simple CRUD for a Task list, and so far I'm able to Create, List all, List by ID and Delete records, bu when I try to update, it gives me the foll

Testing gin based REST API not getting params while using net/http/httptest

I am developing a REST API based on Gin Go, the endpoint looks something like below: func carsByType(c *gin.Context) { fmt.Println("Go Request in Handler...

How to correctly set Mock Row and Query for go-sqlmock

I'm setting up testing in golang. I use go-sqlmock to test mysql connection. But sqlmock.NewRows and mock.ExpectQuery does not work well with error. I want to k