Category "dsl"

Pulling Artifactory Information From Jenkins Using DSL Script

Preface: I'm pretty green in the Jenkins\Artifactory\DSL space, so I'll prob sound like I'm bumbling along. I'm working on a Jenkins DSL script to pull informat

How to use TeamCity DSL versionedSettings feature?

I am trying to configure a project in TeamCity DSL and I want to be able to specify versionedSettings for that project, else I have to manually edit the Version

Generating Class in c# that inherits a generic class which uses type parameter using Telosys code generation tool

I have a need to generate C# code for my Country entity that will inherit from a base Entity class providing stong typed argument to denote the fact that my PK

Need to process multiple files in parallel in Spring Integration

I have a SFTP directory and reading files and sending the files for further processing to a ServiceActivator.At any point I need to process them parallely using