Category "eclipse"

Loading available Gradle versions has encountered a problem

I am getting this error when I open eclipse applicationenter image description here

How to open a new tab for new module in eclipse?

I am importing multiple maven module through 'Existing maven Projects' tab from 'Import' section under eclipse. But i am trying to know whether it supports/pop

Error when installing Jboss AS, wildfly & EAP Server Tools in Eclipse

I have Eclipse 2021-03 installed with Monterey OS. I tried to install Jboss AS / Wildly Server. I tried to add from servers tab, but it keep getting me error ab

How to quickly convert java / json to Xtext langauge?

I am working on an app that processes incoming Json's and I want to easily extract the json data and convert it to a DSL language I'v created using Xtext. My go

Difficulty loading target platform for eclipse RCP

I am transfering my data from an old notebook to a new one. I have copied my eclipse folders and also the JDKs directly to the new notebook. The RCP project was

Eclipse not able to open java files -> Unable to make protected final java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass

Getting the following error, after adding Lombok lib An error has occurred. See error log for more details. Unable to make protected final java.lang.Class java.

Restarting Java procedure in Eclipse after editing

Somehow I broke Eclipse's Hotswap Bug Fixing feature where editing the Java code, Eclipse resets the currently executing line and allows you to continue debuggi

How to Run Java3D on Window10 with Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630 Card(DirectX), using Eclipse

I could not load a 3D object using Java3D 1.5.1. I tried a few examples like: (1) from

Eclipse freezes while showing hover suggestions like method suggestions in class, method info etc

When I enter a dot operator after entering the class name, Eclipse will show method suggestions auto complete, at that time Eclipse hangs and gets closed automa

How does eclipse change the selected background color of the option bar

the background color of the selected item in eclipse. How can I change the color here without changing the theme (see Figure)? The eclipse version I use is 2022

Tomcat 9 Server not starting in Eclipse 4

After adding Tomcat Server 9.0 to Eclipse 4.23 on Windows 11 the server will not start. The following warning is written to the console: 'WARNING: Problem with

RESTful web service: How can I take this data without printing out the other

I want to just take the data from menSize and its price but it keep printing out the womenSize eventhought it doesn't add anything in it. Do I need to seperate

Error initializing QuantumRenderer: no suitable pipeline found in Eclipse JavaFX

Showing "Error initializing QuantumRenderer: no suitable pipeline found" after running JavaFX application. I added required JavaFX jar files to the project and

How to find position in large JSON file

I have a very large JSON file that I am trying to parse through with Eclipse. Unfortunately, I keep getting the error of: Unexpected token LEFT BRACE({) at po

Connect Weblogic server to Eclipse Error: "does not contain a valid WebLogic Server install or the installed version is not supported"

I'm trying to connect a weblogic server to my eclipse (photon) and I keep getting this error message: Error "does not contain a valid WebLogic Server install or

Error Setting Python Plugin on Eclipse: Using an Unsupported version (Python and JPython)

I was adding a Python plugin to Eclipse. I was able to successfully add PyDev. However, when I was adding manually the interpreter I got the following error: -

Spring plugin in Eclipse cannot open pom.xml

I've installed the most popular plugin in Eclipse (Spring Tools 4.14.1) and i tried to create a new project and open the pom.xml and then it shows error and com

Where are ArrayUtils.insert() methods in version 3.12.0

I cannot get Spring Framework ArrayUtils.insert() methods to show in Eclipse. The pom.xml has the 3.12.0 version of org.apache.commons.lang3. I can see the met

Eclipse windowbuilder not showing the full frame

I'm trying to use Eclipse windowbuilder, but when I go to the design page the frame gets cut. Below is an image of what I am seeing. This is just a simple JFra

Failed to Build Application Getting Error::No toolchain found for type jdk

I have tried different solution for this but didn't work for me, please see the error log and toolchain.xml file. These are error logs: [INFO] --- maven