Category "electron"

Generating timestamps in webm transport stream with ffmpeg

I am recording screen capture of my Electron app to a file, as suggested here: Save captured video to file in Electron It works great, but the file is a “

ElectronJS Dependency Problem with Buildroot

I'm trying to run ElectronJS app to Buildroot-based Operating System for a vehicle instrument. The SBC is Raspberry Pi 4B and target packages are included based

I got "Error: packageJSON.main must be set to a valid entry point for your Electron app" when building with electron forge

I was building with electron forge and then it gave me this error in my terminal. An unhandled rejection has occurred inside Forge: Error: packageJSON.

Same request in Node JS is failing in Electron

So I am using request module in a simple script I wrote. I sent a POST request to a website and I receive the correct status code (201), but if I run the script

"Content Security Policy of your site blocks the use of 'eval' in JavaScript" warning when setting CSP meta tag in Electron

I am creating an Electron application, and per the Electron security tutorial I have added a CSP meta tag. When running the application, this issue appears in d

React Electron App - React Leaftlet Content Security Policy errors

I am currently creating an Electron app in which I would like to use react leaflet's maps functionality. This requires the use of external url's which throws CS

Electron's dialog has "GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged." warning on Ubuntu

Research online says I need to pass the parent to the dialog to prevent this message from showing up. But passing my mainWindow (from main.js) doesn't fix this.

Electron Differential updater produces large amounts of changed blocks even when minimal changes were done. Am I doing something wrong?

I'm working on a project built on Electron. We've set up for differential updates through electron-builder (with nsis-web, and a separate differential updater b

How can i disable the Maximize button for BrowserWindow in Electron?

Im new to Electron.js and im trying to disable the Maximize button, i know its possible but i don't know how to do it. I tried frame: false but its not working

Pass values to callback functions of action buttons in notification in node/electron application? Also callback functions not working after timeout

In a node/electron application, used node-notifier to show notification, working great. Then, added buttons 'ok' and 'cancel', and their respective callback fun

Exec, ExecSync, Spawn, SpawnSync fails in production on multiple MAC machines

Solved -- Official Electron bug solved in 17.0.2 I'm trying to write a cross-platform app that utilizes child processes to execute commands. I ran into a proble

Bash Scripts Are Not Executing From Production Build of Electron App

UPDATE: index.js file content added. I have this electron app that is executing some bash scrips(*.sh) files to perform some task. Everything is working absolut

Electron.js I can't do the Button action

follow my source code, does anyone know more about Electron around here? I'm starting to study now and I'm trying to create an App that will update some files t

Electron shows blank window

My HTML file isn't loading at the tutorial says it would've. This is what I have. Yes, I've tried doing all sorts of funky stuff involving paths and it doesn't

How to capture the window close event on Electron's renderer process?

On a classic front-end JavaScript, capturing the "window close" event can be done in a multiple ways. It can be done with: // Method A: `close` event via an eve

How to disable and re-enable menu bar

I would like to disable the menu bar (make it grey and unopenable). How to do that? I tried the following code but it removes the menu bar instead of disabling

Electron Web Bluetooth Device selection returning only 1 device

have found that in my electron application the following code from the main.js only returns a device list of length 1 (filled with one device) even though there

Having trouble adding a callback function from the main.js to the renderer.js after button click in another window

Hi at the moment i have used the ipcRenderer in one of my JS files to execute a function in the main.js. This code executes without a problem. What I'm trying t

On Mac OS after closing the window, it does not reopen from the dock

I have developed an electron application, and after creating its build, installed it in MacBook for testing firstly the app worked fine, but after closing the a

Electron hidden worker window is not working properly

i want to create a hidden window so that access it's indexeddb and perform other background operations this is my worker.html <!DOCTYPE html> <ht