Category "electron"

How to capture the window close event on Electron's renderer process?

On a classic front-end JavaScript, capturing the "window close" event can be done in a multiple ways. It can be done with: // Method A: `close` event via an eve

How to disable and re-enable menu bar

I would like to disable the menu bar (make it grey and unopenable). How to do that? I tried the following code but it removes the menu bar instead of disabling

Electron Web Bluetooth Device selection returning only 1 device

have found that in my electron application the following code from the main.js only returns a device list of length 1 (filled with one device) even though there

Having trouble adding a callback function from the main.js to the renderer.js after button click in another window

Hi at the moment i have used the ipcRenderer in one of my JS files to execute a function in the main.js. This code executes without a problem. What I'm trying t

On Mac OS after closing the window, it does not reopen from the dock

I have developed an electron application, and after creating its build, installed it in MacBook for testing firstly the app worked fine, but after closing the a

Electron hidden worker window is not working properly

i want to create a hidden window so that access it's indexeddb and perform other background operations this is my worker.html <!DOCTYPE html> <ht

Trying to use Electron Forge to build app for Raspberry Pi Zero

I'm developing a small, simple app on a Mac based device and have installed the Electron Forge CLI, I'm running the make command and then the package command wh

How to Close, Minimize and Maximize window in Javascript

I want to Close, Minimize and Maximize my electron application from Javascript. I tried it with this code. It worked for maximize and close but sometimes it's n

Electron - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'showOpenDialog')

I'm trying to open the dialog on electron, but I'm getting this error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'showOpenDialog') I've

Electron with React- trying to import ipcRenderer - preload.js is not being called

I'm trying to send data fron the page to electron using ipc When I run the elctron app, the window.ipcRenderer is just undifined(inside the electron app) this i

Can't resolve 'fs' in \node_modules\electron

I am using the electron-react boilerplate and want to use an electron dialog in App.tsx: const { dialog } = require('@electron/remote') //also tried with import

("Document not defined" in renderer.js) - Sending data and rendering it in electron

I am trying to create a Debug app for Body Positioning Data. This data is received as JSON via MQTT in my receiveAndConversion.js. I was able to receive the dat

electron-forge with two windows : how to render the second window? electron-react app

I realized that the second electron browser window, does actually opens, but it doesn't render correctly. In /tools/forge/forge.config.js I have two entryPoints

Is it possible by clicking on Electron's MenuItem of type checkbox not to close the current submenu?

I have in my Electron app the submenu with a couple of MenuItems of type 'checkbox': { label: 'Search settings', submenu: [ {

How to solve this error Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'fs'

I have created new angular project with electron.I do need to set up the electron. I have got below errors. ERROR in ./node_modules/electron/index.js Module

Chrome's subpixel rendering affecting fixed/absolute positioned elements

I have a electron based application that provides a CAD like experience for mining engineers. This software includes a crosshair cursor: wide cursor that is st

electron v10.1.1 gives Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'dialog' of undefined, but same code works in electron v9.3.0

I am trying to upload a file in an electron app which works perfectly for electron v9.3.0 but as soon as I use electron v10.1.1, it gives the following error Un

React Router 6 in Electron - No routes matched location

I am trying to use react-router v6 in an electron js application. but it doesn't work for me. This App works correctly without implementing the react-router! Wh

Error: Timeout of 30000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves

I am trying to write tests for electron using spectron. This is my code. describe ('Application launch', function(done) { this.timeout(30000); const app

Why are native node modules always recompiled on npm install?

I am building an app with Electron 14, and node v14.17.7, respectively [npm 6.14.15] to build my native node modules. Every time I execute npm install all my na