I create an UDP socket with the Socket module and version: 6. I want it to listen only to IPv6 (by default, version: 6 listens on both v4 and v6). Erlang's inet
I need to parse some values from a list then recalculate them to a new one, how can that be done in elixir? def calc_points(hand) do value = []
I am using httpoison which uses Hackney under the hood to make HTTP requests. By default, Hackney uses a default connection pool which is created with - connect
Hi I am trying customer upload their picture to amazon s3 directly in reactjs web app. I am generating presigned url in the backend like this def get_presigned
How do I get the char* data from an ERL_NIF_TERM coming from an Elixir binary string? I see term_to_binary/1 function but it does not seem to be the right thing
For example, how would this module definition look like on one line? defmodule Lofa do def miez do IO.puts("hello") a = 27 IO.puts("bye") a
I need to refactor a function that filters a list of projects by a given date range: defp filter_by_date_range(projects, %{start_date: start_date, end_date: en
Im currently building a soft-realtime event processing system using Elixir and now Im trying to wrap my head around GenStage/Flow to understand if that is the c
When I'm running Docker Compose up, I receive an error ** (Mix) The task "phx.server" could not be found Note no mix.exs was found in the current directory I b
When running an Ecto test with mix test ..., the SQL executed is not shown. As far as I can tell, it is not logged to any file, either. How can I see it? (I am
I want to use a docker image in production to run a Phoenix container, However, since Elixir is just a layer on top of Erlang, it feels like it might be a waste
How to add (and remove) key-value pairs in an Elixir map? This does not work: map = %{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} map[:d] = 4
How to iterate over a map's key-value pairs in Elixir? This doesn't work: my_map = %{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} Enum.each my_map, fn %{k => v} -> IO.puts "#
I'm trying to format a Postgres date representation into a ISO 8601 string. I'm assuming that there is a Postgres function that can do it, but I found the docum
Can someone please provide a suggestion on how to iterate a list BUT with a batch of x at a time? For example: If the functionality existed: ["1","2","3","4"
I was trying the Ueberauth library for GitHub login. In the login function, I'm getting an error saying that "function :unicode_util.lowercase/1 is undefin
I'm presently working on a phx / phoenix API written in Elixir. And I have created a frontend for the API using React.js. However, I'm getting the below error
I would like to know the current url with elixir / phoenix framework, how I can get this ? Edit #1: My nginx config file: server { client_max_body_size
How to use BigQuery from elixir code? I would like to use Big Query web API from elixir code. Although there is no elixir client SDK in SDK libraries page I w