Category "encryption"

Android javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException

I have an issue with this helper class where I get an exception while I tried to decrypt. I tried a few solutions on the internet and they seem not working. Thi

encrypt alphabet to unicode does not work

This is project from freecodecamp where a string is encrypt by the values of the letters are shifted by 13 places All letters will be uppercase. Do not transfor

encrypt alphabet to unicode does not work

This is project from freecodecamp where a string is encrypt by the values of the letters are shifted by 13 places All letters will be uppercase. Do not transfor

How to generate curve25519 key pair for diffie hellman algorithm?

I want to implement ECDHE algorithm in my project ,for that I want to use Curve25519.But stuck how to generate key-pair for Curve25519.With other curve I am abl

How can I manually decrypt content encrypted by (AES-128)?

TLDR: I need to decrypt AES-128 plain text encrypted by the now-defunct site I have the unhashed passphrase-like keys. My files all follow this

How to encrypt a string and decrypt this encrypted string in other device in flutter?

I found encrypt package for flutter to encrypt and decrypt a message, I succeded to encrypt and decrypt but don't succeded to use this in a cas of separated d

Is there a way to add two values of an array?

I am trying to make a vernam cypher using html and js, I started by giving each letter a value like (a = 0, b = 1, c = 2, … z = 25). Made two inputs so

Getting invalidCiphertextException: null when decrypting data which was encrypted with kms public key

I am building a POC based on asymmetric encryption where the public key from KMS will be downloaded and used on the client side to encrypt sensitive data and on

RSA key conversion from Uint8Array to BigInteger with node-rsa

I have a generated RSA key in the format of Uint8Array but I need the key in the format of BigInteger. See images below. How can I achieve such a conversion?

Vinegere cypher, Python. Index issue with special characters and white spaces. Any suggestions?

So I been working on this Vigenere decryption. I managed to get an output, but the output is wrong due to the index being thrown off by special characters and w

Decrypt using RSA private key using windows crypto api

I have a RSA private key in xml format. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <RSAParameters xmlns:xsi="" xm

Encrypt in php and decrypt in Dart(flutter)

Does anyone have an idea about encrypting response from my php api and decrypting data in local using dart. I'm using flutter for my mobile application. Thank

How do I decrypt with openssl something encrypted with cbc_crypt (xencrypt)?

In a database there is string encrypted with glibc's xencrypt which is using internally cbc_crypt and the decryption was happening with xdecrypt function which

MS Access 2016 decrypt field that is encrypted in linked ODBC SQL Server table

I need to encrypt SSN (nvarchar(25)) field in a SQL Server database table. Once encrypted, the Access program needs to be able to decrypt the field for user vi

How does bcrypt "know" whether a given hash is associated with a given password?

Given a password P and hash H, the function, H) tells you whether or not H is a bcrypt hash of P. Question: How does do the abov

Trying to submit a payment, to a 3rd party payment gateway, through POST request :S

I am mimicing a user buying a product on a website: All that works fine, the HTTP session adds the product to cart, submits delivery informat

Python's zipfile library can't extract password protected file

For some reason, Python's zipfile library cannot extract the files in this password-protected zipfile archive. Here is the code I used: import zipfile zip_file

How to read all zipfile in python

I have a zipfile for example, i changed some files in zip and i need to encrypt it and after that save def encrypt(self, zipfile: ZipFile): import base64

AWS KMS manual key rotation and old encrypted data

I'm trying to enable client-side encryption for the data uploaded to AWS S3 by following the guide:

Parsing encrypted PKCS#8 encoded pem file programatically

I am having trouble figuring out how to properly read a private key of a pem file. I have gone through different topics on stackoverflow, but I couldn't find th