Category "endpoint"

Pytorch models deployment to sagemaker

I have trained my yolov5 model, and have, now I need to deploy it using sagemaker, for that I need to create an endpoint. I'm following this tutoriel

WP Json Endpoint with file extension .json

I want my wp json endpoint to end with .json file extension. I have tried doing regular expression but it didn't work. What did i do wrong? Or is it even possib

What is the exact Tiktok API endpoint to get list of video ids (aweme_ids) using user id (uid)?

TikTok API to fetch the list of video ids corresponding to a particular username I have been getting the USER_ID using /aweme/v1/discover/search/?keyword=USERNA

How to create a API server with endpoints in Python?

Using python, I would like to create API server with two endpoints , namely /metric and /healthz. /metric- needs to print the count how many times API api serve

How to create a API server with endpoints in Python?

Using python, I would like to create API server with two endpoints , namely /metric and /healthz. /metric- needs to print the count how many times API api serve

How to generate web service client from WSDL (like a pro), when address is changing frequently?

I have to consume some service on ESB which has addresses: for dev env: for test env: https://esbte

Add custom text under order details on WooCommerce My account view order pages

I need to add some custom text under the Order Details section of the WooCommerce view-order page. My goal here is to add some additional instructions: To

Added VPC endpoint but Lambda still timing out

Goal: Lambda function needs to retrieve RDS password from Secret Manager via VPC Endpoint (using AWS-SDK in Lambda). Problem: The Lambda function and RDS are i

Using a Azure Virtual Machine Scale set for publishing to Private Endpoint managed App Service

I'm trying to set up a hosted agent using Azure Virtual Machine Scale set for doing as the title portrays. However, setting up the VMSS without a public IP addr

Using a Azure Virtual Machine Scale set for publishing to Private Endpoint managed App Service

I'm trying to set up a hosted agent using Azure Virtual Machine Scale set for doing as the title portrays. However, setting up the VMSS without a public IP addr