I have a problem with my Visual Studio 2017 Community. I installed Visual with Python, but Intellisense doesn't detect Python modules. Screen1 Screen2 Screen
I am working on a set of projects that use .env files for configuration, where each .env file exports a number of environment variables. The files are setup lik
If I have a JSON like this, { "hello1": "world1", "testk": "testv" } And I want to export each of these key-value pairs as environment variables, how t
If I have a JSON like this, { "hello1": "world1", "testk": "testv" } And I want to export each of these key-value pairs as environment variables, how t
I have a development environment file .env.development and a production .env file for my React web app. The .env.development has a value REACT_APP_NAME=My Test
Is there a way to change JDK version easily in cmd? like the version on mac. Change Default JDK on Mac.
During a CodeBuild run I am retrieving a rsa key from SecretsManager, which is the private key to use to access private sources in BitBucket. To do this I have
According to the CMake documentation https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.3/command/set.html One can do set(ENV{<variable>} <value>) but this gives the
I'm using php dotenv for env vars for my php application. The readme says I can load php dotenv into my application with: $dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__
I'm trying to set "org.gradle.java.home" property in gradle.properties file to run my Gradle project on Java 8 while the rest of my system uses Java 7. Hence, J
If I have a tarball, helloworld.tar.gz in a local directory, say /home/user/tarballs/, how can I make my bitbake recipe fetch from that directory? my helloworl
I have a Rails 5 app and I am trying to import my Environment Variables in a yaml file, which I can then import in the environment.rb. My config/aws.yml looks a
I have started to work on a Django project, and I would like to set some environment variables without setting them manually or having a bash file to source. I
I am trying to use the dotenv NPM package and it is not working for me. I have a file config/config.js with the following content: 'use strict'; var dotenv
In the Node.js application, I use Winston for logging. Right now, the winston.level is set from process.env.LOG_LEVEL variable. How to reset the winston.level
When I publish my ASP.NET Core web application to my local file system, it always takes the production-config and the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT variable with the v
I have a C# console program that prints an App.config value. Can I override this value from an environment variable? Example App.config: <appSettings>
I have a vue app I'm currently working on. I set the environmental variables in a file I named "config.ts" which contain codes similar to the code below: export
How to create and access the environment variables in Arduino IDE? In my case, I want to connect the AWS IoT MQTT endpoint but am worried to save the certificat
Has anyone tried a way to add or update an ENVIRONMENT variable in a Jenkins slave's configuration using Jenkins Rest/API or any other way. Using Jenkins Swarm