Category "event-handling"

How to append "delete button" to EVERY list item that is newly created in JS?

Shopping List exercise using JS DOM. My full code: I have to add a new "Delete" button to every newly created

What was the motivation for introducing a separate microtask queue which the event loop prioritises over the task queue?

My understanding of how asynchronous tasks are scheduled in JS Please do correct me if I'm wrong about anything: The JS runtime engine agents are driven by an e

PyQt5: how to reimplement close-event in event-filter

I have this Qt Designer made main-window: from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets class Ui_MainWindow(object): def setupUi(self, MainWindow):

Unregister Events MultiCastDelegate Performance Problem

I have a problem: Our application has grown so far and therefore there is an object with many many EventHandlers. The point here is that removing them takes far

Kubernetes - How do I prevent duplication of work when there are multiple replicas of a service with a watcher?

I'm trying to build an event exporter as a toy project. It has a watcher that gets informed by the Kubernetes API every time an event, and as a simple case, let

How to call a callback function on a GUI event? Delegates?

I'm very new to C# and I'm wondering if using delegates is the right way here: I created a UserControl in Visual Studio Windows Forms Designer. In a TableLayout

To which layer in DDD event handlers belongs

We are currently using domain driven desing with commands and events. I can not decide in which layer of DDD should event handlers and command handlers resides.

how can i get properties of clicked node with neovis

I am using the neo4j graph database and I am using neovis.js to visualize my graph.I visualized the graph but I can't get the info of the clicked node. How can

OnNotifyPropertyChanged only triggers on the firts obj of the List

I have a ParentObj" Country " which has a List child Obj "Cities". I coded a OnNotifyPropertyChanged in the child object that notifies the Parent about its ch

Handling property change several layers down

I am new to events and handling them, and this is a simplified example of the structure I have: Public Class Main Public world As World Public totalWorl

How to disable an event listener in mapbox?

I am trying to have control over event listeners over a layer with Mapbox on React. is supossed to do the trick, but it is not removing the onclick even

How can I detect a right-click in SwiftUI?

I'm writing a simple Mines app to help me get to know SwiftUI. As such, I want primary click (usually LMB) to "dig" (reveal whether there's a mine there), and s

What are the differences between gRPC AsyncIO and RabbitMQ and when to use them?

I want to implement event-driven communication in my microservices architecture. For example, if event A happens, services X and Y would carry out certain thing

To merge window resizing and loading the page events into one function

I have a local html page that serves me a cheat sheet about how width, max-width and min-width work. It dynamically reports you the width of the body and of the

Passing eventlisteners in promisses

Code process: Transaction is created with completeorders() function. Created transaction event listener activates and logs to console. Once the created transact

Push GCP PubSub events to Cloud Datastore

I'm using GCP pub sub topics to store specific events in my applications and then have custom code running based on topic subscriptions fire to process db trans

button onclick function firing twice

I have a button that calls a javascript function using an event handler. For some reason, the event handler is being called twice. Here is my button (I am usin

Why on IE 8 that a change event on input is not propagated to the form element?

I thought a change event would propagate from the input element to the form element in general? On Chrome, it works: But on IE 8

Draggable lines select one another in Matplotlib

I'm trying to create a class of draggable lines using matplotlib handling and picking. The aim is to set different thresholds and intervals on a graph. Here is

Cancel onclick event in IE5

I want to cancel inline onclick event <p id="demo" onclick="alert(1234)"></p> in certain condition, so I am using a global onclick event to conditi