Category "event-loop"

Why does an async function finishes executing after a promise started later?

This is something about the event loop I don't understand. Here's the code: async function async1() { console.log('async1 start'); await async2(); con

How does an async function called with await can block the event loop?

In the following code, the 'Hey, timeout executed!' is only printed after the loop in the longLoop function is finished. setTimeout(() => console.log('Hey, t

Python asyncio event loop add wait for server connection

I want to establish a connection with asyncio.open_connection but I can't get it to work. first I create the loop and a queue _loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() _

when is the callback passed to setTimeout put on the message queue?

setTimeout(callback, 1000) Is callback put on the message queue after 1000ms or is it put to the message queue immediately? If it is put to the message queue a

How does JavaScript call web APIs?

As far as I know, JavaScript's normal behavior when I call a web API just like the setTimeout 4 times: it should call the first one then add it to a queue wait

What is the difference between "event loop queue" and "job queue"?

I can not understand how the following code run. Why "1" is after "b" but "h" is after "3"? Should'n the order be: a, b, 1, 2, h, 3? Some articles said that the