Category "excel"

Performing Excel formula in Python

import numpy K = 1 Rmv = 26 SigS = 111.7 M = 2.050 N = 2 SigD = (-249.4) def Mittelspannung(): result = [] Y = [] SigM = [] for i in rang

Macro that needs to be more dynamic based on selection

I have this code and i find myself creating 12 times and modules since I have 12 different colleges, each with a unique names. I would like to make a bit more d

Import Excel xlsx to Python using Panda - Error Message - How to resolve?

import pandas as pd data = pd.read_excel (r'C:\Users\royli\Downloads\Product List.xlsx',sheet_name='Sheet1' ) df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns= ['Product']) pr

Using python how to take input search string from one excel sheet column and search in other excel on a specific column?

For example, take input string _TXT from col A in file 1 and search in file 2 col X. If any row contains _TXT, then for that specific row compare col B value to

VLOOKUP as a range

I have a table in a tab with columns: street_id, street_name, street_corner_1 and street_corner_2 (a street corner is the name of the street that intersects it

Trouble Connecting to SAP Through VBA in Excel Error 614

I'm trying to run a basic code I've found numerous places on here and elsewhere which should open SAP, input a command, and execute. I've gone as far as SAP ope

How to autofilter a column with values coming from a specific range

Hi all i hope you can help me with this issue since i just started learning VBA :) I need to autofilter a column of an excel sheet with the values coming from a

If sheet does not exist go to next Python

I'm writing a code that allows you to select the tables in a workbook sheet and send it by email. But it can happen that a sheet does not exist because there is

What are _xlfn and _xlpm in excel mean?

I just received an excel and see there are some formulas including some "_xlfn" and "_xlpm". What do they mean?

Can we export a react bootstrap data table to Excel instead of CSV?

I have a requirement to export data into Excel instead of CSV. Is there any possible way we can achieve this feature using the react-bootstrap-table?

"Unable to set the CurrentPage property of the PivotField Class" with Pivot Table Filtering Attempt

So I have been trying to figure out what I am doing wrong for the past two days and I can't seem to get past this error. The error is "Unable to set the Current

refreshing dropdown list when source data changes

I am using the code below Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() MainSh.Range("D2").Select With Selection.Validation .Delete .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xl

Remove Excel workbook onSelectionChange event

I am working on a Excel Web Add-In using Office.js. I added onSelectionChange event for a workbook and later trying to remove it, but this event still works. He

Hide #NA displayed in the cell by formula =IFERROR(~~~,NA())

I'm trying to format my excel sheet and to display organized chart, I have to do( A1~A100 ) IFERROR($B1+$C1,NA()) To make cells #NA value instead of IFERROR($B

How do I reply to outlook mail using vba in excel with mail thread?

I am looking for VBA code in excel to reply to a selected mail but the below code creates seperate mail which does not have previous messages in conversation (t

Javascript/Excel non-linear X axis/different scale

Is there any way to replicate the graph on the left in Excel? If not, any way to do it in JavaScript/Python? The upper scale on the X axis is different than low

How do you skip prefilled cells and also fill in the blank cells with no duplicates?

I am trying to skip cells that have prefilled data. If I were to select a day of the week in my schedule certain people would have the day off. I am trying to s

Error 400 when deleting strikethrough text

I have Excel VBA code to delete strikethrough text: Private Sub DelStrikethroughText() 'Deletes strikethrough text in all selected cells Dim Cell

Split string cell into multi rows but keep original row

I have a macro that splits a string (list of names) using a space as the delimiter and creates a new row for each name while keeping all data the same in other

How to develop ms excel ribbon functions

how to develop ms excel ribbon functionality not COM add-ins or VSTO add-ins. Using visual studio Thank you I want to implement excel ribbon functions to valida