import numpy K = 1 Rmv = 26 SigS = 111.7 M = 2.050 N = 2 SigD = (-249.4) def Mittelspannung(): result = [] Y = [] SigM = [] for i in rang
I have this code and i find myself creating 12 times and modules since I have 12 different colleges, each with a unique names. I would like to make a bit more d
import pandas as pd data = pd.read_excel (r'C:\Users\royli\Downloads\Product List.xlsx',sheet_name='Sheet1' ) df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns= ['Product']) pr
For example, take input string _TXT from col A in file 1 and search in file 2 col X. If any row contains _TXT, then for that specific row compare col B value to
I have a table in a tab with columns: street_id, street_name, street_corner_1 and street_corner_2 (a street corner is the name of the street that intersects it
I'm trying to run a basic code I've found numerous places on here and elsewhere which should open SAP, input a command, and execute. I've gone as far as SAP ope
Hi all i hope you can help me with this issue since i just started learning VBA :) I need to autofilter a column of an excel sheet with the values coming from a
I'm writing a code that allows you to select the tables in a workbook sheet and send it by email. But it can happen that a sheet does not exist because there is
I just received an excel and see there are some formulas including some "_xlfn" and "_xlpm". What do they mean?
I have a requirement to export data into Excel instead of CSV. Is there any possible way we can achieve this feature using the react-bootstrap-table?
So I have been trying to figure out what I am doing wrong for the past two days and I can't seem to get past this error. The error is "Unable to set the Current
I am using the code below Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() MainSh.Range("D2").Select With Selection.Validation .Delete .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xl
I am working on a Excel Web Add-In using Office.js. I added onSelectionChange event for a workbook and later trying to remove it, but this event still works. He
I'm trying to format my excel sheet and to display organized chart, I have to do( A1~A100 ) IFERROR($B1+$C1,NA()) To make cells #NA value instead of IFERROR($B
I am looking for VBA code in excel to reply to a selected mail but the below code creates seperate mail which does not have previous messages in conversation (t
Is there any way to replicate the graph on the left in Excel? If not, any way to do it in JavaScript/Python? The upper scale on the X axis is different than low
I am trying to skip cells that have prefilled data. If I were to select a day of the week in my schedule certain people would have the day off. I am trying to s
I have Excel VBA code to delete strikethrough text: Private Sub DelStrikethroughText() 'Deletes strikethrough text in all selected cells Dim Cell
I have a macro that splits a string (list of names) using a space as the delimiter and creates a new row for each name while keeping all data the same in other
how to develop ms excel ribbon functionality not COM add-ins or VSTO add-ins. Using visual studio Thank you I want to implement excel ribbon functions to valida