I have active sheet open (Sheet1). I want to pick a value from C column then go through each workbook and within each workbook there are many sheets. If that va
I'm afraid there's no code in this question, but I'm looking for feedback. I have a VBA addin called FlexFind (https://jkp-ads.com/excel-flexfind.asp) which I a
I have a tab called "Overview" where it asks me for the name of a project. Once I write the project name, I want a macro to grab the project name, create a new
I am trying to learn EXCEL VBA. One of the tasks I am stuck with is how to verify textbox1.text is valid excel formula. I tried Worksheetfunction.isfunction(use
I am trying to extract data from different sheets in a summary sheet. The referencing does not work. Sub Summary_LPI() Dim wkSht As Worksheet, wsC As Workshe
I want to replace a repeating year of dates in a column. I started with a nested for loop in a single module, then I changed the code to be used for each sheet
I have an Excel spreadsheet that contains information to be put into a Word invoice template. I am able to populate header details, such as client name, address
I have views that my users often only need to check for one particular person at a time. To do this, they do the following in Excel 365 desktop: Open a blank wo
So I am trying to write a VBA Macro in Excel that will loop through all 400+ .pdf files I have in a folder, extract pertinent data from them, and store that dat
I have this data table that updates everyday with new data and the pivot table and slicer refresh automatically through a macro. Now, I wanted to write a macro
In a worksheet I would like to copy and paste columns with a button. It should copy two columns and insert them in the first free column that it can find. For e
I want the user's name and the date to be entered into a specified column when any change is made. I also have a snippet of code that forces any data that is pa
I'm trying to trim any combination of a webname to just web.co. Example 1.htt:pubhorn.co 2.www.pubhorn.co 3.htt://pubhorn.co 4.pubhorn.co/awawa I want to outpu
I have a raw data sheet and am trying to process nps scores from the emergency department (ANE) versus all others. I am counting the values and transferring the
How do I put default values on my dropdown? I tried view code but I'm not sure how to or what codes should I put in there. I tried DropDown7.List = Array("Link
On an Intranet web page, I have a link to an Excel document that resides on a network drive, like so: ms-excel:ofv|u|file:///N:/folder/file.xlsx This is an off
I have a simple macro that returns the date of the last save of the current document: Function LastSavedTimeStamp() As Date LastSavedTimeStamp = INT(ActiveWor
I'm trying to go through a list with two columns and replace some of the text in the second column. I want to search for values using wildcards in combination w
I am trying to find and replace the column name. I want to loop in the first row only but my code loops the entire sheet. Dim sht As Worksheet Dim fndList As V
I am trying to copy and paste data from horizontal to vertical from sheet1 to sheet3 in a lots of 200. Say I have a list of 600 tickers. The code will copy the