Category "excel"

Bold and Italics not working in excel with EPPLUS

I am using the below code for updating excel data format, here I want the heading to be in bold and entire data in italics format but when I run the code all th

Replacing file path in excel with another

I have an excel file with cells that retrieve data from a file stored on another computer. I need to update the file path in all of these formulas but it is ext

EXCEL VBA UserInterfaceOnly:= True not working

When I use (some code here).copy destination:=(some code there). It will still prompt for protection issues on cells. Basically it just won't let my code runs.

Run Time Error 5 - Invalid Procedure Call or Argument

I need help with this macro. Every time I run it, I get the error below. I thought it was a simple macro that I could have anybody on my team use to make it t

Create EXCEL from html table using C#

I am trying to create an excel sheet for shipping products using C# and HTML table. The image shown below is my HTML as it looks in the browser. What I am tryin

Excel cells from Access export look empty but are not (=isblank=FALSE)

My problem is that an Excel spreadsheet (exported from Access as .xls) has cells that look empty, but are not. This is mucking up my calculations & navigati

Excel VBA: Autofilter using textbox values

I tried the following to filter (between filter) my worksheet based on 2 values. The 2 values are input in textbx1 and textbox2 in userform 'A1_Filter_Range'.

How to convert PDF to Excel on a Mac?

I have a lot of PDFs to convert to excel. I found the code below which converts PDF to excel by opening the pdf file in word but it fails at Dim fso As New File

Adding new data in excel and cannot be sorted or filtered

I have a column with 595 rows. Then I proceeded to add 20. (Note this excel sheet with the 595 entries was already in place before I started working on it. The

add attachment picture into html email body in office 16 / O365

I have been using this code in office 2013: With OutMail .Attachments.Add fName .HTMLBody = .HTMLBody & "<br><B>" &

Not able to set custom color in XSSFCell Apache POI

I am trying to set some custom(from hexcode or rgb value) color to a xssfcell.But the color of the cell is becoming black even though I am giving some other col

Writing To A Range Using VBA array

I have a script that pulls the first cell value of a table from a database and adds it 10 times. I want to write that list to excel. Here's what I have so far:

Formula to count number of people of a certain age range and gender

I have a column for age and a column for gender. How can I get the number of people with ages between 0-18 and with a gender of "male"? For example, with the fo

VBA Create a macro to match items in a bank reconciliation - payment booking/ Bank debit

I have an excel based bank reconciliation that I'm doing a manual matching like the example below using ABS or conditional format, but I need to do a faster mat

Outlook GAL fails to be top-most window when called from VBA UserForm

i have about ten responses from StackOverflow open but none of them quite answer my problem. i have created several UserForms in Excel VBA for this particula

Importing multiple Excel files with multiple sheets and creating a new column based on sheet's names

I am trying to upload multiple Excels files (same format) and each of these files has multiple sheets, in nature each Excel file has information about a hotel b

How to read all the rows of the excel sheet and run in Selenium test script using C#?

I need help reading all the rows from excel sheet as a test data in my selenium test case. I can read only one row of an excel sheet with the following code.

Trying to create a macro to perform 100 iterations and paste resulting values (2 adjacent row cells) to a 2 x 100 array

I have a worksheet that uses randomly generated numbers in calculations to produce results in two adjacent cells (let's say A1 and A2). I am trying to perform

How do I loop an input box one additional time if criteria is not met?

I’m trying to create a series of input boxes that will prompt for more information before executing the rest of the code. I’m stuck on the looping a

MS Access to MS Excel export with VBA coding in MS Excel where having issue

Below is my code where I'm trying to export a MS Access query output to an Excel file and then editing the Excel to create a pivot table on a new sheet. The cod