Category "executable-jar"

Runnable Jar File not running because coultnt read excel datas..but works fine in Eclipse

I am trying to create an executable jar file of a Maven Project in Eclipse.was using testNG in the maven created a runner class with main method an

Intelij idea exported Java Jar file doesnt work properly

Hello Everyone!! I am developing a server app in java lang in intelij idea it works properly but when exporting as .jar file it gives an error like this

Generate .JAR file using NetBeans 11.0

I'm trying to generate the (.JAR) file using NetBeans 11.0, I have followed some answers like How to create a Jar file in Netbeans but I don't find the Packagin

Could not find main method from given launch configuration

I've a simple Java project that works when I execute it at Eclipse environment. But when I try to export it to a Runnable Jar, I get the following error: JAR e

Download .jar File From URL Using Java

I have integrated an update system into my Java program, and the one thing that is missing is a way to download a jar file from a URL using Java. How can one go

How do I create an executable fat JAR with Gradle with implementation dependencies?

I've got a simple project in Gradle 4.6 and would like to make an executable JAR of it. I've tried shadow, gradle-fatjar-plugin, gradle-one-jar, spring-boot-gra

How to create a fat JAR with Gradle Kotlin script?

As titled, I'd like to know how to modify the in order to have a task to create a unique jar with all the dependencies (kotlin lib included) in