Category "vcpkg"

How can I install extra dependencies for a particular configuration only using manifest mode of vcpkg?

I am trying to build the Testing example from the fruit DI Injection library, it contains a standard int main entrypoint in main.cpp, and has another entrypoint

vcpkg install package Error, Run vcvarsall.bat to get Visual Studio env failed with exit code 1

when I install any package,vcpkg throw these error said can not get visual studio env . I am sure I had install visual studio 2017,but may it not work the error

PCL library setup using vcpkg seems to be missing include files (pcl/visualization in particular)

My goal is to visualize a point cloud using PCL. This is possible according to their official tutorial (link). In the tutorial there is an include path pointing

IMG_Load() with jpg returns "unsupported image format"

I'm trying to load images using SDL2-image, it works when I try to load a .png, but it fails to recognize a .jpg My imports: #include <SDL2/SDL.h> #undef

CMake can not find Boost Python

I'm trying to build 3d party application using CMake 3.17.5. I have boost installed by vcpkg (on Windows). I checked I have boost-python installed by vcpkg. I g