I am getting error while trying to save session on mongodb. Here is my code.. const express = require("express"); const session = require("express-session"); co
In a Chrome warning, it says: Specify SameSite=None and Secure if the cookie should be sent in cross-site requests. This enables third-party use. How do I do
I am looking for guidance on setting up session based authentication with with Express-Session, connect-mongo, and Mongoose. Currently it's just generating a ne
is there any possible method for me to delete specific session from mongoDB? My scenario is to allow 'myself' to delete specific session from DB (other user ses
I typed npm start to run my program but this is the comment that U received in the terminal: express-session deprecated req.secret; provide secret option app.js
I have used ExpressJS with express-session for Session Management. According to its NPM page, we can add a maxAge and cookies.expires. But, both of these manage
I m using express-session and memcached-connect package for maintaining session. Everything is working as expected. Here is my implementation: Middleware app
I am using passport.js for authentication as well as express-sessions to store cookies on the client. Additionally, my client is a react app. I still am not sur
I am facing the issue : on every request new sessionID is getting created. Can someone throw light at this ? Versions I am using: NODE VERSION: v6.10.3 NPM