Category "feature-extraction"

OpenCV - Calculating SIFT Descriptors for given Harris Corner Features

I need to calculate the SIFT descriptors for given features from the Harris Corner detection in OpenCV. How would I do that? Could you provide me some code exam

Reading image dataset into data frame and feature extraction [spark with python]

In my project , i need to read image dataset[each folder having different object and I want to read these folder in stream one by one ], and then need to extrac

TypeError: __array__() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given?

I am working on transfer learning for an image classification task. The training generator is as follows: train_generator = train_datagen.flow_from_directory(

Neighboring gray-level dependence matrix (NGLDM) in MATLAB

I would like to calculate a couple of texture features (namely: small/ large number emphasis, number non-uniformity, second moment and entropy). Those can be co

Order images based on similarity

I have a lot of images in a folder that I would like to put in order based on how similar they are. The images are histological slides from a tissue microarray