Category "fedora"

How do I install `python39-rpm-macros` for Fedora 35?

How do I select the Python version when building a RPM from a .spec file on Fedora 35? The CentOS/RHEL documentation says Configure the particular Python 3 ver

Can't find any man pages in Fedora Docker Image

After installing the man pages via dnf, I still can't find them inside /usr/share/man. docker run --rm -it fedora bash -c "dnf install -y man-pages && l

Fedora 35 - DisplayLink - USB 3 in 2xDVI out - WIll it work?

I have an Dell Inspiron 3780. This is a really nice laptop, and runs Fedora 35 beautifully. I wish to attach 2x Samsung 2333T monitors via their DVI-D interfa

Error "Failed to start mariadb.service: Unit mariadb.service not found"

I'm using Fedora 29. I'm try to run mariadb.service with command:systemctl start mariadb, and give error:Failed to start mariadb.service: Unit mariadb.service n

BTF: .tmp_vmlinux.btf: pahole (pahole) is not available

Getting this error while compiling the kernel version :5.7-rc4 BTF: .tmp_vmlinux.btf: pahole (pahole) is not available Failed to generate BTF for vmlinux Try t

Docker "unknown flag: --from"

I am trying to build an image using simple Dockerfile. However I am unable to get passed the above issue. I came across a kb article saying that I have to enabl

Cannot load `swrast` and `iris` drivers in Fedora 35

Essentially, trying to write the following code results in the error below: Code from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.plot([1,2,3,2,1]) Error li

Upgrade PHP on AWS Linux

I have an AWS server running a website with NGINX and PHP. I originally installed these using the following: sudo yum install -y nginx php-fpm The version of