Category "npgsql"

Troubleshooting enums with

Are there any best practices in troubleshooting enums when using with Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL provider? It's just that I don't know where to look

DbUp throwing Npgsql exception when using SQL-language syntax for PostgreSQL functions

I'm using DbUp to deploy to a PostgreSQL-14 database. When I try to create a function or procedure using SQL-language syntax, DbUp throws an Npgsql.PostgresExce

DbUp throwing Npgsql exception when using SQL-language syntax for PostgreSQL functions

I'm using DbUp to deploy to a PostgreSQL-14 database. When I try to create a function or procedure using SQL-language syntax, DbUp throws an Npgsql.PostgresExce

C# Npgsql connection checker Exception Throw System.NullReferenceException 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'

My code try to check is the PostgreSQL server running and accessible by given credentials for given database. Use the Npgsql NuGet. If all the data, also IP, P

Return ID of newly inserted row on a PostgreSQL database using C# and Npgsql?

I'm building a WinForms project in C# using a PostgreSQL database and the Npgsql framework. For inserting a record, I need to return the ID of the new record.

Unable to load System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions

I have a web project build on .net framework 4.5.1. We are trying to added PostgreSQL support for the project. Using Nuget, I have installed 4.0.4 npgsql to the

EF Core NodaTime field - could not be mapped

I'm using EF Core with <PackageReference Include="Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL" Version="5.0.2" /> I've just added a NodaTime.LocalDate field to

Preparing statements and batching in npgsql

The Simple Preparation example in the docs ( shows an example where parameters are set after the comm

Querying data in postgresql by applying filter on a JSONB column

I have a table with 2 columns; ID (int) and EntityData (JSON). I have created a filter object in form of a Dictionary in C#. I want to fetch all rows which sati

Fastest way to move outlook emails to postgresql db using Npgsql

I have around 200 000 emails in outlooks public folders. Exporting to pst is a little bit fast but I don't know if psts are reliable. Also decoding it perfec