Category "file"

Share file .txt Android

I'm trying to share a .txt file to another app (gmail for example) but I have some problems. I decided to use the file provider. When I select gmail among the a

Python - Why is the function not working when reading from file? [closed]

This is the code i have used file

Can you read a File only from a certain character using SeekableByteChannel

In a text file I need to read the part after ':' using SeekableByteChannel, can I do that and save the number of Bytes read and also the number of Bytes skipped

Operate on .dat file, pickle mod

I have project to do in my studies and it is my first project in Python. I must create simply program for bank. With GUI I'm creating an account on classes and

Saving files in Android 11 to external storage(SDK 30)

I am writing a new Application on Android 11 (SDK Version 30) and I simply cannot find an example on how to save a file to the external storage. I read their d

Get the file list of a folder with Dir

I'm trying to get the file list of a folder in VBA The DIR command acts as if the * wildcard is messing up the whole mask that I input. Here is my file list: No

Reading a text file in Android Studio Kotlin and making pointers

I am fairly new to Android + Kotlin, however I am wondering if there is a faster way to read a text (.pgn) file and mark pointers to places in the file for late

res.set('Content-Type','image/jpg') is not working while serving image in node js

res.set('Content-Type', 'image/jpg') is not working while serving us files in node js. Please take a look at code what is wrong with this code. I am getting the

sed replacing first occurence of characters in each line of file only if they are first 2 characters

Is it possible using sed to replace the first occurrence of a character or substring in line of file only if it is the first 2 characters in the line? For examp

How to identify whether an item inside ZipFile is a directory

Consider a zip file that contains a directory with some files inside, e.g. contents of are: Archive: Length Date Time Name

How to gain access to a specific folder and write a file into it using Scoped Storage

My app has a feature that exports GPS data in txt format into a shared folder (now accessed with getExternalStorageDirectory), and I have to switch it to Scoped

fileinput.hook_compressed gives me strings sometimes, bytes other times

I'm trying to read lines from a number of files. Some are gzipped, and others are plain text files. In Python 2.7, I have been using the following code and it w

How to convert Web Stream to NodeJS native Stream

I am taking file input from user as <input type="file"/> It returns file object has Blob. This object has a method .stream() which returns ReadableStream

How to loop over on different files and save the output with filename in R?

I have several files with the names RTDFE, TRYFG, FTYGS, 100 files in txt format. For each file, I'm using the following code and writing the outpu

Alternative to requestLegacyExternalStorage and MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE for Public Folders in Android 10/API 29?

I have an Android app on the play store that publishes data to a simple .txt file and lets you share using any other app of your choice. It used to write direct

export and import gson - Failed to invoke public ) with no args

i'm learning how to convert array to json file and import that array with using gson. I have abstract class Shape; public abstract class Shape { private Type ty

Encoding issue when saving files with javascript?

i've been trying all day to setup a function that creates a file from plaintext or a stream in a razor page. i create csv plaintext in a backend and send it to

Flutter OS Error: File exists, errno = 17

MY ERROR - Unhandled Exception: FileSystemException: Cannot open file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Download/Music/a.png' (OS Error: File exists, errno = 17)

Jupyter Notebook's File and Kernel menus disappear

I have an issue where my File and Kernel menus initially show while the notebook is loading, then disappear once the notebook is loaded. I should be seeing this

When downloading a file using ResponseEntity in Spring, byte breaks in reaction

This is a method of downloading files from Spring to ResponseEntity. When you download it, the byte breaks and comes out. If you use tag a, you can download the