Category "file"

export and import gson - Failed to invoke public ) with no args

i'm learning how to convert array to json file and import that array with using gson. I have abstract class Shape; public abstract class Shape { private Type ty

Encoding issue when saving files with javascript?

i've been trying all day to setup a function that creates a file from plaintext or a stream in a razor page. i create csv plaintext in a backend and send it to

Flutter OS Error: File exists, errno = 17

MY ERROR - Unhandled Exception: FileSystemException: Cannot open file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Download/Music/a.png' (OS Error: File exists, errno = 17)

Jupyter Notebook's File and Kernel menus disappear

I have an issue where my File and Kernel menus initially show while the notebook is loading, then disappear once the notebook is loaded. I should be seeing this

When downloading a file using ResponseEntity in Spring, byte breaks in reaction

This is a method of downloading files from Spring to ResponseEntity. When you download it, the byte breaks and comes out. If you use tag a, you can download the

Merge multiple binary files in Node.js

I want to merge sliced files into one, but I can't find a way to do so. I tried merge-files but it doesn't work for certain formats. I also tried to make my own

Script to read file and print first two and last two lines of it

I'm writing a program where the user inputs a file name and then the file and prints only the first 2 and the last 2 lines of the file. I have worked out how to

I used pyinstaller to turn my .py file to a executable file, but it doesn't work

EDIT: I'm using the "random" library and the "os" library, could they be interfering with the file's execution? Good morning, I'm creating a hangman game that r

Json file was not found in Android

I am developing a game for mobile and can't create a normal save system because when playing on the phone the error is logged: Could not find the file. I use th

Java: Find .bat files in all folders of a drive (C:\ and others) [duplicate]

Is there a Java code that will look in every folder of a given drive and search for .bat files? And return them has a ArrayList of Files? I'm

C# programm can't find my workspace with MSBuildWorkspace

Hi I am trying to analyze my CsProj using Roslyn. I'm having issues finding my solution. This is my code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using

Android - listFiles() doesn't list some files

I'd like to make an Android app to list files and their size, a bit like WinDirStat or TreeSize on Windows, or DiskUsage on Android. I tried this to get a list

How to split input text file that has string and doubles?

I am to read from an .txt input and sort into array by line (read: first name, last name, grade1, grade 2, grade3) but I am having issues. I am assuming that I

How can I save two strings in a single-line .txt file to their corresponding variables?

I have a .txt file that has a single line of: "abc xyz" abc is supposed to represent a prefix string and xyz is to represent forbidden characters. The code I ha

Mobile browsers are adding .html to filename on download

For some reason, with this code: header("Content-Type: text/x-vcard;charset=utf-8;"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=card.vcf"); header("Prag

Unable to read a file in local directory with Flutter

I'm creating an app that writes a file into local directory and needs to access it later. One problem: when I try to read the file, the process never ends (and

Stop statsmodels.tsa.x13.x13_arima_analysis from creating temporary files

Im using package statsmodels in python. To be precise I am using the function statsmodels.tsa.x13.x13_arima_analysis(). When I use it, it creates a lot if tempo

Return many files with json from backend to client

I want to know may i respond to client from backend controller with many files (with application/octet-stream). It will be more better, if i respond array of fi

How to deal with files with no extension in Python

I am currently writing a script for work, which goes through every file in a directory and its many sub directories and counts the amount of lines in each file.

Dot Net File Name to Replace,

How to Replace File Name from Folder structure have Multiple files want to Remove special characters in all fileName at a time. String rep = Regex.Replace(files